SOLID Reasons Why You Should TRAVEL ALONE !!!!!...

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit Community

It is nice to go on a trip with your family, lover or friends, to experience different things together, but sometimes traveling alone can be very enjoyable. Traveling alone (whether you are married or single) is possible for everyone. Here in this article you can find the benefits of traveling alone.


1. You Can Provide Ease of Transportation

For example; you are making plans to go on vacation with a friend, and your friend is working too. You are doing a holiday program for yourself, but the time that is right for you does not match that of your friend. At 15.30, you found a plane ticket suitable for your budget and got permission from your workplace, but your friend cannot get permission from the workplace to get out at 15.30 and when you say, "Let's go by bus at 19.00." ' says. In such cases, it is really hard to plan a holiday together. because your conditions generally don't match someone else's. Especially if you are making this plan with a community of friends, this is even more difficult. In fact, you can overcome these difficulties by planning or setting a date and time a few months ago, but if the time and conditions that suit you do not match the time of the people you are going on vacation together, then it is the best moment to prepare your suitcases and go on vacation alone.

2. You Can Try What You Could Have Been Doing Up To Now

Is there anything you want to do but have not been able to do so far, but you are dying to do what you want? For example this; In the Grand Canyon, you may want to jump with a parachute, see ancient Mayan ruins, or cook and eat after removing a live lobster from the sea. Your spouse or friends may not want to make these dreams come true with you. You don't have to give up your dreams just because your friends or spouse don't like to do them. In particular, all you have to do is; to realize your dreams even if you are alone.

3. Just Need Yourself

If you rarely spend time alone, this will be a fun gift for you to give yourself. When was the last time you only did something about your dreams and thoughts? Traveling alone in the direction of a destination can be an experience where you can observe different things and change your lifestyle. Imagine sitting at a beach at sunset, spending time alone with your inner voice, or taking a walk in the early morning without having to face anyone.


4. You Can Meet New People

If you have a friendly and sociable structure, you can easily meet new friends and people from different cultures on your own. Usually, lonely people seem more friendly than other people, and when alone, it is easier to ask someone, chat with someone, or make new friends. In this way, you will get closer to people from different cultures, learn about their customs and traditions and visit a world that is different for you. You can get information from a stranger on a curb and even joke. The only thing you need to pay attention to is to avoid your behavior that will endanger your security by keeping your mind open and take precautions if you feel that the people you communicate with will abuse your sincerity; especially when abroad.

5. You Can Do Anything You Want To Do And Do Not Do What You Do Not Want To Do

Have you ever been able to sunbathe when you stay in the room and do not accompany you because the person you travel on the seaside is overburned? Or when you want to go out in the evening, your friend next to you said, "Sorry, I feel a little sluggish. You get out, I will not be able to come. '' If you have experienced them, you know that when you travel alone you will do whatever your heart desires without being tied to anyone. If you are alone, instead of sitting in your hotel room all day long, you can do whatever you want without thinking about anyone and having to explain.

6. You Can Surpass Yourself

If traveling makes you feel good and fit, a journey alone will allow you to rest more, feel better and become even more active. The idea of traveling alone seems to be a very bad idea for anyone who cannot eat dinner alone or feel uncomfortable if he has breakfast alone. But as soon as you take a dive course and eliminate your worries, make sure you will feel much more willed and happy. A good holiday alone will be the best for putting things into operation, even if you are afraid of trying.


7. Great Service

People generally appreciate and care for the courage of people acting alone on a trip. You will probably be given a good room when you indicate this situation where you will be staying, and you will benefit from the services and activities first and foremost.

8. Separations Fill Hearts With Love

Of course, we do not recommend that you spend every holiday opportunity away from your spouse, but for couples who have been together for a long time, a short period of time will be a refreshing time for both parties, and also during each time you will be separated from each other, you will understand and yearn for each other's value. you will start hearing.

9. Don't Worry

Sometimes when a person is alone, he wants to meet someone he can travel with before traveling, and waits until he finds that person to travel. But remember, these travel ideas that you postpone continue to be delayed over the years because the conditions you want are not met and you cannot travel for a long time as a result. If everything is not developing as you hoped and your expectations exceed what you want to do, here is the best moment for you to travel alone and relax. During your travel, you will have the opportunity to meet with the person you have been waiting for years and have delayed your travel plans for many years and maybe you have the best holiday and even the happiest moments of your life.

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As much as I love the idea of staying alone sometimes, when it comes to taking vacation I would really love to spend those special moments with cherished loved ones.

Thanks you stoping by and reading my article.

 4 years ago 

You are absolutely right, for many years I managed to travel alone and I had the opportunity to know my country very well ... of course in the bank where I worked, that work allowed me to travel alone for many years, and it is definitely great ..

However, now that I'm happy and married, I don't see myself doing that traveling alone ... but I do travel with my wife and two daughters

Thanks you stoping by and reading my article.

There are many reasons hehehe... The truth sometimes loneliness is the best option, being alone particularly I like and as you say it is only about us, what we want to do and not to satisfy others. Our dreams and our goals must come first, as well as our peace of mind.

Thanks you stoping by and reading my article.

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