in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

Dear Steem Community

Could your company's non-marketing departments negatively affect the efforts of your marketing department?

Many employees perform tasks that are apparently not related to marketing but still affect marketing efforts. Everyone, from the general manager to assistants working for minimum wage, has the power to affect your brand, which has been carefully developed and supported by your marketing department.


By learning what are the simple mistakes made by non-marketing departments, you can create a stronger inter-departmental marketing strategy and ensure that your brand is protected by all your employees.

These are some marketing disadvantages that people working in non-marketing departments overlook.

Error 1: Leaving Data Behind

One of the most common marketing mistakes made by non-marketing departments is to not ask new customers how they know about your company.

In short, the purpose of the marketing department is to attract the attention of new customers, while allowing the customers with whom they work together to choose you again. This main goal makes it necessary to find out which channels gain you how many customers.

For example, when a potential customer reaches your sales department, your sales representative should ask the customer where he heard about your company. Otherwise, your sales representative will leave valuable marketing data behind.

Error 2: Failing to Communicate Between Departments

This is usually an error made with the first error. Each department should have the equipment to share the necessary information with each other. Failure to establish the necessary communication protocols between the marketing department and other departments, especially the sales department, can lead to inconsistent representation of your brand, ineffective customer service, and the emergence of a shattered marketing strategy.

The companies have problems due to the overlapping responsibilities of the marketing and sales departments within their companies, and each company must end the conflict between these departments by considering their own needs. By establishing an environment where two-way information can be exchanged between the two departments, you can greatly reduce inter-departmental friction and inefficiency. When a new customer says where he heard about your company, this information should be systematically communicated to departments that can turn it into an advantage.


Error 3: Separating the Computing Department from Marketing.

The “big data” era is a result of technological advances in networking and data analysis, as well as the training of workers who know how to use computers. Of course, the data are as valuable as you use them.

The third common mistake is that companies set up their IT infrastructure without considering the fluid data transfer needs of the marketing departments. Although some information can be transmitted through inter-departmental communication protocols, most modern companies store their useful information in data stored in databases, computers and other devices with internet access. This information should be available electronically.

If your marketing department can effectively access and analyze your company data, your marketing strategies can be better optimized to increase your return on investment. This allows your ultimate profit-loss household to recover.

To do this, you need to tell your computing staff that you want to bring it to life. One of the biggest responsibilities of the IT manager is to obtain company data. As a result, the accessibility of the data remains lower on the liability list. To create a database that is both safe and accessible to employees, it may be necessary to prepare a new system and be a little creative, but if you take this path, you can see that data accessibility is worth your investment.

Error 4: Breaking Down SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Work to the Marketing Department

Let's put aside the communication problems and examine a marketing mistake made by the human resources department. After the establishment of online job boards and the explosion of Linkedin, human resources employees had to turn into online marketers, but many of the human resources departments have not fully understood the need to use online marketing strategies. If your human resources employees are unaware of their SEO work, it is time for them to learn.


Even though SEO can sometimes turn into a complex process, even your human resources department learning the basics can make a difference. For example, when posting an online job posting, the department can increase the reach and visibility of the advertisement using simple SEO techniques such as putting relevant keywords and links to the search result page. In order to start using SEO techniques in the human resources department, it is not necessary to do more than simple SEO training and learning about SEO.

Error 5: Forgetting the Brand

Probably the most harmful marketing mistake made by non-marketing departments is to forget to put your brand to the fore and even to understand the brand's essence. Your brand is the image of your company. Your brand is a product of the creativity of your marketing department, and staging the main message of your brand should be the responsibility of all company employees.

Many companies emphasize the importance of respecting and maintaining the company culture, and this is important, but not sufficient. While company culture is a promise you give to your employees, your brand is your promise to your customers and the whole company should try to fulfill this promise.

If your company's core value proposition is to offer personalized customer service, then every employee should work with that promise in mind. Aside from your marketing department telling your customers that we are doing a job diligently, your company must support this claim with their actions.


Of course, marketing errors made by non-marketing departments are not limited to these. So if you want to take full advantage of your marketing efforts, you should consider marketing as an inter-departmental strategy. Nothing can give your company a better image than your managers can.

Image Credit : 123

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These are indeed grave mistakes made by non marketing departments and this can actually affect the company's sales and productivity.

The worst part of it all is to ignore the computing department responsible for disseminating adverts through technological means/media and it also a very bad idea to forget detailed information about one's brand.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead

@hardaeborla thanks for stopping by and reading my article.

These errors are costly errors that can result in the company losing good customers, everyone in the company should be educated about making these errors.

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