Financial Tips to Saving Money on GroceriessteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit Community

We all need breakfast items, canned goods, noodles, bread, and other supplies for our kitchen and pantry. And that’s why we make frequent trips to the Supermarket or groceries. Too often, though, groceries suck up our budget pretty bad, that we end up overspending money on stuff we don’t really need.


The thing is, grocery and supermarket owners have made it a science to sell as many stuff to you as they possibly, legally could!

save money on groceryEver wondered why there are “promo” items near the entrance? Have you ever noticed the chocolate bars and other last-minute additions to your basket near the cashier?

These businesses know what will tickle your fancy, and they’ve arranged everything so it becomes easier for you to pick things up even if you don’t need it.

Financial tips to saving on groceries:

  1. Buy groceries on a set schedule monthly.
    You can vary this to be more frequent or seldom, depending on your lifestyle and your needs. If you’re single and doesn’t really need a lot of things, you can go to the grocery once a month and you’d be okay. Since I’m married and we have College-age siblings living with us, we need to go to the grocery twice a month.

We buy groceries on the 10th and the 25th of each month. Incidentally, those are the paydays of my wife. (She takes care of the groceries, you see.) This puts the power of “Batching” to work. You get to buy everything (or almost everything) you need for the home.

  1. Allocate the money and stick to it.
    If you don’t prepare a budget, chances are your budget will be imposed on you by (who else) the grocery. You better identify all the things you need and put a corresponding amount for each item. That way, you will be able to stick to your budget.

If you need a list of groceries, it’s easy to look for those online. So, go Google it!

  1. Bring a calculator.
    Or you can use your phone’s calculator to know your running expense. When you pick up an item, input the cost and add it up to the total. This way, you won’t be surprised by the total cost when you get to the cashier. This practice will make it easier for you to remove items that are already out of your budget’s reach!

  2. Stick to your list even if some stuff are on sale!
    Those items on sale? They are very tempting to buy. But hold your horses. Don’t pick them up all of them right away! Why? Even if they are on sale, they may exert pressure on your budget and your expenses may become bloated!

  3. Go to the grocery with a full stomach.
    Eat lunch or dinner or snacks before going to the supermarket. Don’t ever go there on an empty stomach, the temptation to buy food and have some drinks would be too much for you. Buying groceries can be a tiring experience. You’ll walk through aisle after aisle of goods; you’ll carry or push a basket; and you will smell a lot of good food! So eat before going to the grocery.

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Very good recommendations, and although sounds laughable, going on a full stomach to shopping is a very important factor, which contributes a lot even in the mood, thus favoring acquiring only what is necessary.Thanks for such good tips, they seem great.

It is correct to have you say it is advisable to go to a grocery store on a full stomach because going there on an empty stomach will make it completely tempting to spend more.

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