3 Key Steps towards Creating an Effective Personal Image.

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit Community

Your image is your identity and reputation. How about portraying yourself as an interesting and remarkable person?


Do you have a personal image? As a matter of fact, you have an image whether you want it or not. Your personal image is the sum of the impact you have on people and the reputation you have in society. It has to do with how you introduce yourself to the world and the impact you leave behind.

Most people don't mind their image. They choose to act the way they want, without thinking about how they affect the people around them. Sometimes these people also do well, but most of the time they wonder why they don't get the respect, praise and opportunities they desire. People who develop their personal image in a planned way get the right opportunities for the right reasons. They can prevent this deterioration without damaging their images irretrievably. If you don't make awareness and effort, your image will be determined by other people whether you want it or not.

Don't let other people build your image. Take control of your reputation and destiny. Now I will tell you about three basic points of creating a successful personal image. If you ignore even one, your image will suffer.

1. Be True

No matter how hard people try, they cannot avoid reflecting their true personality. They may think people see themselves differently, but ultimately the truth always comes to light. The image you create should be in harmony with your personality. It should not conflict with your values, abilities, and background. Awareness will come in handy here. If you believe you have blind spots, try this:

Then meet five people who know you very well.

Ask them to make such a list of you.

Compare the lists to identify common descriptions.

The differences between your list and other lists will give you an idea of how people view you. If you need more, do this exercise again with people who know less about you. Change your behavior to ensure compatibility. Keep doing this exercise until your list matches other lists.

2. Be consistent

Of course there is nothing to underestimate being unpredictable as a trait, but most people expect a certain level of reliability from their friends. If your behavior and your mouth do not complement each other, your image may pay the penalty. For example, if you are a person who is always late while talking about how punctual you are, the people around you will not only tire of being late, but also remember you as a hypocrite. While creating an image, have a certain purpose. Choose the most important points for your image and focus your attention on them. If you cannot meet the standards you set, then change your standards and try to be more understanding of people with similar characteristics.


3. Be compatible

You've probably known people who are in a constant state of disharmony. The people they include in their lives do not fit into their goals. Their behavior adversely affects their goals. The choices they make about their time and lifestyle are blocking their happiness and their path to success. The only environment in which some can be successful is chaos, but the image they project also gets its share. With people who have a strong personal image, they make conscious choices about times, behavior, and the people they keep around them. Gather around people who make you happy and help you thrive. Try to use your time and resources in ways that support your reputation and lifestyle so you don't miss the future you want to achieve.

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Hello @adityajainxds
Interesting that 5 people make a list of how they see me... I had never thought about it, it must be an interesting experience, because usually, at least I, do what I do without thinking much about what others might think, but it is true, the image is defined by various factors, which most of us can not control.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my article.

Most people take their reputation for granted and I can't stop wondering what they do that for? Although we should not live our lives to please others but it is also necessary that we maintain a healthy reputation.

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my article.

@adityajainxds You're very correct when you said

you have an image whether you want it or not.

If people come to understand this fact and they also understand the implication of a bad image, we'll have better behaved people in all spheres of life.

Unfortunately, some people don't care about what image they portray while some others derive satisfaction and fulfillment in portraying a bad image. The latter I won't blame, because we live in a world that rewards poor and bad images. People get rewarded for the nuisance the cause to the society. Drug peddlers are celebrated. Disrespectful individuals now pulling a lot of crowd. Little attention and support is given to some ground-breaking innovations at grassroots level.

We can only pray and hope for a better place than where we find ourselves today.

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my article 😊.

The way we present ourselves is the way we will be addressed, the manner at which people look at us says a lot about our personality great post.

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my article 😊.

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