Money is a universal tool, a note which represents currencies used for exchange, money is a reward rendered as payment for goods and services

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Money is neither good nor bad, the use of money is determined by who's in possession of it. It is the person that determines whether money used is for good or evil. This means that the people handling money are the have a lot to do with how miney is perceived or defined.

Money can also be liken to power, wealthy people are most likely to be influencial.

Quest for Money
The quest for money can get you to cross roads or libration, Some people misquote the saying that, "the love of money is the root of all evil" as "money is the root of all evil". Money is not the root of evil, it is the love and greed for money that is evil.

Also Money we know answers all things. So many things in life can only be bought wity money. This is why some abuse the process of making or getting money. People involved in all manner of Ill things like bribery, abduction, kidnapping, human and drug trafficking, rituals killings and so forth do it for money. But I believe money is servant, you must learn to master it, else it instructs you on what to do. If you haven't mastered money, one day it might tell you to do something that is inhumane.

Money os of no value except the value we place on it. As a matter of fact, the purist of money is what makes it more valuable. So i can say, when we stop chasing money, the value of it goes down. Therefore money is only as valuable as people's pursuit of it.

A lot of wrong concept has been built into the mind of humans, we mostly define success by the amount of money or wealth a person has, but success is far beyond that. It is possible to be the wealthiest and still be a failure. There are wealthy failure or rich failing people. The value of life or success in life in not in wealth or money possession, it is in the fulfillment of life.

Nevertheless, the benefits of money are countless. Some are listed below ;

  1. It brings material comfortability
  2. It's a confidence booster
  3. It's gives power and influence
  4. It promotes and brings to life the representation of dreams and ideas
  5. It's the capital for most infastructure and inventions.

As long as money is a very essential tool in the life of every human. I believe our integrity is very important as well. Therefore it is wrong to want to give whatever it takes to make money. There is a procedure to all things, so we should ensure we ain't violating any.

Thanks for reading.

I am @adesojisouljay, the unique being.


Everything in this world revolves around money. Money is powerful and more than what the common mind can even comprehend.

Yes bro, everyone needs money

Everything in this world depends on money. Most time people tend to confuse money as the root of all evil not knowing the love of money is the root of all evil

yes it is evil when someone is willing to give anything to have it

Hi dear friend @adesojisouljay

"the love of money is the root of all evil" as "money is the root of all evil".

money ends up corrupting the heart of the purest person, it is true that it depends on human beings but money has that mystique of bringing out the worst in people, that is why the brothers meet in inheritances

god bless you

Hmm, this is a deep insight into the subject.

Thanks for sharing that

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