in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

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Understanding the positive aspect of every situation in life is very necessary to living a successful and productive life. What makes and builds us up are not the times of luxury living or experiences, what builds us up are our moments of crisis and trails.

Therefore it is important to understand the positive roles of crisis in our lives. No crisis or trial has the ability to break us, they only come to try or test to see if we have an understanding of our inbuilt potential.

If we understand how to apply our potential in handling crisis, we will become innovative after all crisis.

What we face in life are attracted by our potential. The continuous attraction of crisis to our lives are signs that we possess the potential to overcome them.

Creativity is supposed to be the end result of every crisis.

Therefore crisis don't come to kill or break us, they come to cook and bake us for the next phase.

Crisis is like razor, it sharpens the mind. When facing severe trials, our mind begins to think of a way out, that's the place of incubation. Most successful people are people who came out of crisis after all the beatings and smashing.

A real man is proved by crisis. Creative people are born by crisis.

There is no progressive invention without crisis. All progressive inventions are as a result if crisis. People who have created the most progressive inventions are poeple who saw crisis, then enterd into their mind for an invention that would solve it. i therefore refer you to read my post about BEING A PROBLEM SOLVER.

Crisis reveal true leaders and increases our capacity to think. No one ever thinks of a solution if there was no problem.

In conclusion, never run from crisis, embrace them and think of a creative way out. Crisis is the womb of all creative innovations

Thanks for reading.


I am @adesojisouljay, the unique being.


Greetings friend @adesojisouljay.

In life, it is impossible to be immune to the turbulent actions that generate chaos in our environment, but certainly, the best way to continue and overcome each obstacle is precisely to see the positive side to each crisis situation that comes our way. Crises are opportunities to grow, a pessimistic person only sees the negative side of difficulties, therefore they will never find a way out of their problems. In the current context of pandemic and economic crisis, it is indeed a perfect setting to be creative, since our way of being positive will bring us advantages and help us overcome the crisis. Thanks for this nice post.

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