Steem is back on track !

in Project HOPE5 years ago (edited)

Steem is back on track !.png

There were some times in the last months where I have been quite disappointed with how things were evolving on steem. There were these nasty downvote rituals conducted by some people that discouraged many users or there was the steem price that only new one direction... towards the bottom. Well these days I have the feeling that Steem is back on track and that a new life has come into it. Why do I feel that way?

A little price spike and people post again!

We have witnessed quite an interesting price development of Steem lately and like magic people started to post again. It seems that many people like me were gloomy and stopped posting regularly. This spike woke us up and again we post!

The devs are back

For a certain time there was very little activity in terms of new dapps or projects but this has changed as well. I would like to mention a couple of them here:

Taverngames – a new steem game

With so many things on steem, it is not always easy to find new stuff immediately. It took me a couple of weeks to discover this new game taverngames. The concept is simple and based on luck. You go to a tavern and there is a goblin. You now have to guess whether the number of gems in his bag is higher or lower than the gems that are on the table. If you guess correctly you get directly paid in steem to your account. You can also use potions to increase the odds and the bets in your favor. There are some quests to complete and you can get chests with free coins or potions.

Holybread – a game that will start on 27.1.2020

Another steem game is in pre-launch it is called Holybread.

Firepay – Pay with a steem-engine token

There is a tribe on steem called CTP that links a community of affiliate marketers to the steem blockchain. This community is very active in traffic exchanges and viral mailers. This week two new interesting features have come out. There is a viral mailer called Listnerds which allows you to send e-mails to all the other users of the website. In order to send e-mails you have to collect credits and then you can use these credits to send e-mails. With the free account you can send an e-mail every 7 days to all free members. You can also upgrade your account or pay credits using Firepay which is a brand new payment processor which allows you to pay with the steem-engine token of the community – CTP Token. There are several other websites that use this payment processor and accept the CTP Token. This is quite an amazing step I belive because it really brings people closer to steem.

Pay with CTP Tokens - source Firepay

The CTP Token can be collected by writing affiliate marketing related posts and by using the tag CTP. You can then stake this token to get curation rewards. On you will see all the posts that use this tag. By the way the CTP token has litterally explosed in price during the last days.

Great people here on steem bring an amazing drive to the community

I would like to point out three people that work very hard to develop their business on steem and they succeed in providing new opportunities for all of us. I would suggest that you follow these people because what they do will help you as well:

@jongolson the man behind CTP

I've seldom seen somebody with so much drive and bringing about so much. He has been able to link together a world that didn't know cryptocurrencies with the steem blockchain through his project clicktrafficprofit. He actually teaches all the people who enroll with his website how to use steem and this is an amazing onboarding effort. He posts regularly and continuously helps people to adopt steem. In addition to that he creates a whole ecosystem around his tribe If you want to learn more about this guy, I suggest that you read his recent post how steem has impacted his life.

@khaleelkazi the man behind steemleo

When the tribes on steem-engine emerged I remember the hype around palnet and then later steemleo with the airdrop. It was quite a new thing to get airdrops on steem and everybody wanted a piece of it. Some of these tribes have somewhat disappeared but not steemleo. In contrary it has developed into something very dynamic. It is a community for people interested in trading and investing. The community has its own DEX which looks very beautiful to me.
I have just read his post how steem has impacted his life and I believe that there are very few like him who went all in on steem.

@crypto.piotr the guy behind @project.hope

I don't know how many among us have been helped by this guy. I remember that @crypto.piotr was one of the first who wrote a comment to my #introduceyourself post. Since then we have always been in contact and we even met in real life and discussed steem for several hours. He has built a community called @project.hope together with several venezuelan people @juanmolina, @fucho80, @lanzjoseg and @jadams2k18. On the website of the project you see many other steemians that participate in this project. It started out as a project that would support people from venezuela to get a regular income from steem and it ended as a well oiled concept that offers advantages for all users on steem. Content creators get much more visibility and also upvotes from the community. Investors get a regular return on their investment thanks to the curation program of the project. In addition to all of that the project generates an income that is used to provide a revenue for some people in Venezuela.

When I look at all the things above, I truly believe that steem is back on track. As my friend @chireerocks would say: the Steem Blockchain can be called a Chain Of Opportunities.

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Appreciate the shout out :)

It's been an adventure so far, but we're growing really well. And the biggest thing is all the people we're bringing over from the CTP side of things to try their hand at Steem!

 5 years ago 

When I look at the posts and interactions on ctptalk, I can see how difficult it can be to explain steem to newcomers and I believe that CTPtalk is doing an amazing job to open this path for them. Thanks a lot for the comment!

Well written and I agree with you, many Steemians have become active again since this pump, and the CTP tribe is just awesome I am active there every day and the stuff that Jon has already built and what is still to come down the line the growth will only increase, stay awesome.

 5 years ago 

Hi @flaxz,
Thanks a lot for your comment. I'm really confident that CTP will develop in a very positive way. There is so much dynamic and potential there!

Thanks @achim03, yeah the potential is great and there is solid development and demand to back it up, have an awesome weekend.

What a fantastic post. Being a member of the CTPTALK tribe and the reason I am on Steem I loved reading this post. Hats off.

 5 years ago 

Thanks a lot for your comment. I think that with CTPtalk there is a lot going on and it's a very nice place full of opportunities to be!

I just saw yesterday in @penguinpablo's post the following:

Bitcoin exchange Poloniex transferred almost 1 million STEEM to Binance yesterday! It seems they are taking advantage of the risen Steem price. Poloniex still has 2.5 million STEEM left.

Let's hope this will not put too much pressure on the price now that the volume dropped again. The volume is still much higher than it was before ... but 1 million is a lot and today we already see a downward trend again.

Well, we'll see where all will end ... just


 5 years ago 

Well this might affect the price of steem in the short term but I'm confident for the long term. Thanks a lot for your comment.

Thanks for mentioning us @achim03
Everyone who read my comment can join the taverngames by clicking here:
Not only luck based games are in development. We hope you will find something for yourself on our platform.

 5 years ago 

Thanks a lot for your comment!

 5 years ago 

I appreciate the resteem! Thanks a lot.

 5 years ago 

Hi @achim03

The title of the publication after reading the entire publication brought back the memory of a phrase from the movie. The terminator
When he said: "I'll be back"

I know Steem is still here but that return from many developers is good for the platform.

Greetings friend

 5 years ago 

Hi @lanzjoseg, Thanks a lot for your comment!

@achim03, Thank you so much for your kind mention brother. Absolutely true, Steem Journey is dynamic one and it affects Emotions and on Steem Blockchain, Steem Price drives the emotions of majority of us.

It's very important to enjoy the Journey because at the end of the day only Experience Of Journey matters the most. Stay blessed always. 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

 4 years ago 

Thank you for stopping by and for your nice comment!

Welcome and thank you. 🙂

Still, fragile. A little price decline and people will leave again?

 5 years ago 

I think that the big cleansing is over already. The people who are still on steem will stay. The others already jumped the boat. But I believe that price spikes invite people to post more. So I'm quite confident that steem will grow from here on. Thanks for your comment!

Hello my dear @achim03, thanks for posting this great article.

Beyond an article where you share your opinion about what you think is happening in the steem chain, for it is an article of motivation, I read it and it fills me with optimism and confidence that things will improve in this chain.

Thanks, blessings!

 5 years ago 

Hi my friend, thanks a lot for your kind comment. I'm happy that you consider my post motivating. I have the feeling that steem is going in a positive direction and I'm looking forward to how it will develop.

I am also quite optimistic about the future of steem, I hope everything goes well.

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