"11 Coins That Will Make You $11Million!!" The Best Early Bull Market Metric I Currently Have

in Project HOPE4 years ago

I don't know for how long are you(the one reading this post) in crypto, but if you're like me, a guy that jumped in the crypto train in late 2017, then you have definitely heard about Bitconnect, Carlos Matos and Trevon James. Quite a painful memory for some who lost thousands, if not more into this ponzi involving the above two mentioned.

What I also remember about that magical bull run that left me almost empty pockets... Wait, how's a bull run supposed to let someone empty pocketed? Simple, not having any strategy at all and dreaming too much for too little. Anyway, back to the lecture at hand, the good old times of the 2017 bull run were also known for folks like Trevon James shilling all sort of hot and juicy cryptos and advising plebs on how to invest.

I just stumbled upon this video of Trevon on youtube, a few minutes ago, and I kind of had a flashback. I know, we're not there yet, it's no extreme euphoria getting any of us caught in massive profits fantasies, but this is a clear bull market sign. Yes seeing this type of top coins to make you a millionaire or similar ones confirm my already ferm belief in the 2020-2021 bull market.

From what I remember, Trevon was shilling Steem also a few years ago, and was even active around there for a while, but he seems to have been slowly wiped away from the chain, way before the hardfork I guess. It's a persona non grata inside such communities in my opinion and hope to never see him around here.

There were plenty of specialists like him on youtube back then advising plebs on how to trade and invest and luckily the bear market froze most of them, some getting resurrected lately though, while others not. It's easy to nail predictions like they were doing back then, and spot gems that could make you rich, because in a bull market most of the coins do good and the trend is constantly up.

The slight pullbacks are really negligible. What some of them have done though, hurting the crypto community, is to shill ponzis, to engage naive folks into pump and dumps and to misinform quite a lot of their followers, new to crypto, of what cryptos really are, what blockchain technology is, how important role decentralization plays to our society and how to invest properly, rather than gamble.

Now, we are quite far from mass euphoria and the peak for BTC and as we approach those times you'll see many more others like Trevon claiming to be pro advisers and create youtube videos on what you should be throwing money at to make the most in this bull market. My advice is simple: learn about Bitcoin, blockchain and the halving, have a look at the four years cycles that translate to the sequence of bull and bear markets, take your information from trustful sources such as crypto twitter(choose carefully in here), Hive, Leofinance, Publish0x and why not youtube as well.

Best to check the backgrounds of folks promoting cryptos and giving free investing advice on youtube. I would highly recommend Alessio Rastani here, Cypto Daily and RektCapital as trust worthy crypto youtubers and analysts for the ones consuming youtube videos. Nice to see you're alive Trevon, sad to see you're not in jail though... but still a clear sign that we're ridding the bull and that there's definitely room for growth by the tone of your voice shilling cryptos that will make your watchers millionaires.

Can't wait to sell my bags to these future millionaires :)) I know, I'm sarcastic, but I've learned my lesson this way.

Thanks for attention,


That why I try to produce content on my YouTube channel I like and not make predictions.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.028
BTC 62134.65
ETH 3418.09
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51