in Team Uganda3 years ago

Have you ever stressed about everything at the same time?
Do you happen to find solutions to your mental health? Because Mental health matters 100% in a life of a Human Being.


Problems can collide when you actually never expected them to. People go through allot of Mental problems and sometimes I wonder how they manage to over come these tragedies.

Imagine waking up in the morning, you're a young girl who needs to be educated at the university but your parents or guardians have no penny to keep you moving. That feeling of seeing your friends go through the entire University process with ease while you seated home or actually at school but sent home almost every single time you doing papers due to unpaid Tution. This kind of feeling is uneasy for children, it actually affects their mental health. But how do they manuover through all this?

Imagine leaving in a home where parents fight each and every day, especially in front of their children. What do these children put in mind at the end of the day?
The picture of their parents fight is never erased in their minds, hence affecting them mentally and some will end up doing the same when they grow up, since they lived in an environment where parents never covered up their fights but Instead expose them in front of their children.

Think about a person who is infected with HIV AIDS and he or she has not gone for consoling and medication. All the time he or she might feel neglected by other members of society, or even neglected by people yet these infected people are supposed to be loved and given consoling do that they don't feel small and abnormal. With such critism, an infected person might end up having a bad mind of infecting others or breakdown to depression.

Let's not neglect people around us, love everyone the way you would wish to be loved, make everyone's environment comfortable for them to stay in. And with this, some people might get relief and be happy people at all times.


As the saying goes... We are our brother's keepers. Thanks for sharing

You're welcome

You have been curated by @yohan2on, a country representative (Uganda). We are curating using the steemcurator04 curator account to support steemians in Africa.

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