Teamuganda contest 28/06/21 How the second lockdown has affected me

in Team Uganda3 years ago

Hey hey fellow steemians, I salute you all in the name of Jesus Christ. I am up and grateful for the gift of life He has given to me and to you all for I am here writing again on this platform. I hope everyone here is fine, and as well I wish a quick recovery to the sick.

Coming to the main topic, it's a very sad afternoon for me because of the this whole Corona Virus that has become a very big problem to all of us. Well I didn't know Covid 19 was this deadly till I got the sad news about how my best friend lost her mother as she tested positive and has been receiving treatment for the past week. Despite all the precautions, the hustles and expenses in treating the disease,it still claimed our dearest mommy. She has gone too soon, we still needed her even more than ever. A very welcoming and sweet mother,a friend to all. It's so absurd that we can't even meet or hear from her again,I really feel so bad. It's a pity u know 😭. May her soul rest in eternal peace. I pray God keeps my sister strong and strengthens her up so that she can pass through this sorrowful and trying moment.

Little did I know that this second lockdown would be this bad for me and my friends, many have tested positive, some have recovered and some still fighting with life. I thank God for those that recovered including myself. We fought with the illness till we made it. It's the worst experience you could ever get, the weakness u always have that you can not even walk.


I thank God for this medicine,it has really done miracles. It has healed some in ICU even. I was plain till my sister, a pharmacist informed me about it. You could save a life with this.

The virus spread aside, businesses have collapsed, poverty is increasing day by day n there is nothing left for us to spend.
Personally I've been doing alittle businesses, handwork mostly. I make wristbands, bracelets,sponges and many more things but there are no more customers because people have to spend more than what they have in the pockets. Even when you get a customer, you have to deliver the product to them but you have to walk a very long distance to reach them because you can not board as I used to. We very well know all transport means we're stopped from working so here we are, making use of our legs to foot to all sorts of places so that we can earn something.

Despite the challenges i'v faced,I can not deny the fact that I made some good good money when the lockdown started tho it's no more. But still I know I will be fine.
Just then, I got a lot of orders for my wristbands,moved here and there delivering and yes I was able to save a lot. Nevertheless I am still happy even if I am here eating the money already.




Meanwhile the wristbands aside, here I am very happy about the fact that I've been able to get enough time to do more crocheting,work on all orders I got and also improve both my knitting skills and the speed. Being very idle,no books to read, crochets have always made me busy. I feel my passion for crocheting has also increased because of the more time I give it. Well to those that don't know crochets,it's some handwork, you make all sorts of clothes using threads. You can make dresses,shorts and tops,skirts, bikinis,sweaters and many more. I also make
handmade bathing sponges through crocheting which I sell to people. Damn they are very good and soft just enough for the skin.





Ths lockdown had really opened up my mind and made think of all sorts of businesses I can do. It has really taught me the value of money and showed me the hustles our parents always go through just to make sure we have plenty to eat, school fees being available for us and yes am very happy they have done it all despite the challenges they always face.

Just days back,I thought of starting up a mobile money business but was stuck because I didn't have enough capital. And here comes my friend that jazzed me about chap chap business that could help me out. I was so delighted that the whole process couldn't require me alot of money to start up and just yesterday I went to my friend and he helped me register. I started working there and then. You can not imagine how excited I was even tho I don't have a specific place to work from but here I am,my friends come and support me even when I am home and yes, working from home is the best thing during this time. You don't have to walk to work, to places where you could get the virus from. I always make sure I sanitize,do some steaming and take some lemon and ginger after work and this helps alot in preventing the spread of the virus. Here I am seated eargely waiting for customers 😋😂.

Further more, I haven't ended on mobile money, I have always surprised my friends and parents with my diversification when it comes to handwork skills, abilities and business ideas. My dream is being a successful business woman and of course managing my own businesses and that's is why I opted for a bachelor of science in accounting and finance at campus.

I am also working on my baking skills, improving my ability to make all sorts of cakes. Just before the lockdown I could only make the cakes but couldn't put icing sugar because I hadn't learnt yet. But here I am, I tried making a cake for my little cousin's birthday and my aim was to do everything myself without help of anyone icing it for me and this is what I got. The results ain't so good like how I want them but slowly by slowly I will perfect. I know by the end of this lockdown I will be so far and so good.
I am very glad my friend Peace introduced me to steemit and I joined with alot of positivity recently. I do not regret at all,infact I feel I should have joined earlier. It keeps me busy even during those moments when your free but very bored. It feels good reading through the various posts I find from different people on the platform. Steemit has made me make new friends already and who knows we can still meet physically. I am just so glad because friends and family are the best people you can have besides you when in the darkest times. I haven't made friends only but improved my writing skills. The mere fact that I can come up with a post of 300 words is really a big deal. I hope and believe I keep moving forward with the steemit fraternity til and til.

Most importantly I have gotten enough time to spend with my family. It's been so long being together like we are now. Been having holidays in different places because our parents have always been busy looking for income for us all but here we are now. We always do alot of talking, everyone jazzing us about different stories, whatever they have been experiencing in our abscence. I always want to take pics with my family as I teach them lots of poses they can do while taking pics. I am very happy my mother is a fast learner 😂 and yes my baby sister is also a sharp student. It's the smiles for me.



These people have given me all the happiness I would ever yarn for. A good family is the best thing God can ever give you. I can not thank the Almighty enough for whatever He has done for me but indeed am very grateful and will always be.
Even tho churches were closed, i can not go for Mass anymore, do my thanks giving and do my confessions but I know the Lord listens to the prayers we always have from home. It's not about going to church or where your praying from but the humbleness you give to the Lord when you kneel before Him. The Lord is always there to listen to us all and I believe He will give us all whatever we ask for. It's just a matter of time,just be patient enough and wait for your time. Today maybe mine and tommorow will be yours.

I pray God saves us from this killer disease so that it relaxes and stops claiming people's lives.
I hope we go through this lockdown successfully and go back to our normal lives.
I actually miss school, I can not handle this whole thing of online studying and having online examinations too which am yet to have 🥺. It's hectic and expensive you know. I mean you have to keep buying data all the time, have online discussions which are even hard to understand, scanning the answer sheets which I don't even know and many more challenges.
I just hope everything goes back to normal and we all live happily.

Giving my experience in this lockdown would require me write alot because dam! ,I have really experienced alot but let me end here.
I conclude by wishing you all the best in whatever you do. May the Lord bless the work of your hands.
May we all humbly observe the SOPs. Always remember to wash your hands, sanitize,wear your masks and stay home if you have nothing much to make you walk. May God bless you all.

 3 years ago (edited)

Hi @maryamanda

Sorry for the loss of your friend's mother. May her soul rest in peace.
You are a very sharp and intelligent young lady. I like the hard work and the many valuable business skills you are equipping yourself with even in this lockdown period. Keep up with that business attitude. Personally, I am a big fan of cakes. Maybe one day I will order one. There is a lot about you that many young girls need to learn from you. Your future is a bright one.

Thanks for participating in the contest.

Amen... She is resting in a much better place 🙏

Thank you so much Mr Yohan,am looking forward to even expand. I will be very glad too with your support.

You have been curated by @yohan2on, a country representative (Uganda). We are curating using the steemcurator04 curator account to support steemians in Africa.

Keep creating good content on Steemit.

Always follow @ steemitblog for updates on steemit

Thank you 🙏

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