Makersplace Store updated; more Digital Editions available

in Collage4 years ago (edited)


Fingering around for sources of income since most have currently dried up. Today I took
to updating my Makersplace Store so it is ready for business.

Adjusted the prices of my work and added a new piece; you can view my store here


Trying to think of new words to call my digital art; cryto-collectables, digital editions, crypto-collectable art; ect; what words are you guys using?


Thanks to those that have bought my work in the past it is helping me a lot. Hope you are all doing well in these trying times. (I accidentally posted this to the collage group instead of my own page so editing top image to one of my collages.)


I have always enjoyed seeing your art but like many also have dried up sources of income. Wish i could buy some of your art, and whenever I make digital art i just call it that , i guess im not super creative lol. Keep up the awesome work

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