Alternative curation project: Revista @teamxpro / Magazine @teamxpro: 10

in Team México4 years ago

Portada (2).jpg

Photos: @firefly2020 and @hnl-koa58.
Server in Discord TeamMexicoPRO.

Cuenta de curación en apoyo al crecimiento de la comunidad @team-mexico.
Curation account in support of community growth @team-mexico.

brown tabby cat on gray surface @remotehorst23

走在天橋恰巧看到有火... @lazyteatime

Young Tiger And Cub ( Ink Drawing) @firefly2020

Wolf spider @elviento

Fried Chicken and Fish for Dinner - Honolulu Hawaii @hnl-koa58


@team-mexico nació con la idea de ser una comunidad latina solida, para apoyar a la mayor cantidad de miembros posible, ayudarlos a crecer y orientarlos en su camino, crear contenido bueno y creativo son cosas que nos representan.
@team-mexico was born with the idea of ​​being a solid latin community, to support as many members as possible, help them grow and guide their path, create good and creative content are things that represent us.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 67095.54
ETH 3462.62
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.71