
That's utter sheeple bullshit to support such reasoning. But to each their own.

That makes the god a tyrant and a sadist in my opinion.

I think You should respect your creator (Allah) and don't use these type of words for him

Only humans can become tyrant and sadist because God created them in that way

God (Allah) is merciful and kind he is owner and creator of each and everything ,we should fear from him if we are not able to understand anything we should read and search for it

Read Quran or English translation of Quran at least once and you will understand everything

If your boss punished you due to any reason its doesn't mean he is tyrant and sadist may be you did something wrong or you deserved it,Or may be it's just a test and trial for you

I am sure you can't use words tyrant and sadist in front of your boss or owner how can you use these words for your creator (God) the king of kings

From my view, god is a non-event, non-existent. You can have your beliefs. Don't try to force them onto others.

I am not forcing you for anything you are free to do anything and believe or not its your personal matter

I just want to ask you only one simple question if god is non-event ,non existent who created earth and skyes and sun and moon ,why you can't born without your mother and fathers sexual intercourse and were you go when you dead why anyone not able to move or speak after death?,why you need to eat and drink and sleep why not you change all these if you have full control of your life and there is no creator and controler

Who have the control of birth and death? if you have Answer please share with me or if you don't have Answer read following again and again until you understand

He is Allah, (the) One.The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks).He begets not, nor was He begotten;And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him.

May Allah bless you with understanding and Believe

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