in OCD4 years ago (edited)


Another proudly presented porn post! 100% #sfw

The memories are something that keeps us all alive and sane

So no worries, open and consumed it at work whatsoever. Wait, you're probably working from home or quarantine somewhere anyways so.. Same here, after a while of not going out and not having any new food experience for a while, the memories are something that keeps us all alive.

This food porn is my memories from about 4 years back. Since 2016! When I was still full of backpacker spirit and enjoyed traveling as inexpensive as possible. India was actually a perfect destination for that. I don't think we spent more than $500 travelling for 6 weeks there including a week in Nepal. That's so affordable, isn't it?

$0.30 for the whole meal. Are you cereal?

Some street food like, the whole meal that would get you stuffed cost just 20 INR ($0.30). I think that's crazy! Some were yummy and some were just ok. Also, because we're always stuck with street food or smaller restaurants at the time, nothing fancy. Though, I think that's why it's quite adventurous and exciting.

Vegetarians and vegans say 'Yay!'


We came across many vegetarian restaurants across the country. Actually, we came across those more than places that serve meat and we were actually surprised by that. We were enjoying that for a moment but after a while, we realized, it's not even that healthy kind of vegetarian/vegan dishes. Most of the time, it's curry or those dishes that are quite oily. Don't get me wrong, it's not that healthy but it's yummy so we're all good!

It's a bit odd I'm writing this post about Indian food. Indian food is the type of Asian food I know the least about. I went there and tried a lot of stuff that I seriously had no idea about. It's complicated. Anyways, shall we?

All men street food!

Epic street food journey. It's everywhere! Like this one that we came across while wandering through the hectic street. A lot of locals (mostly men.. wait.. all of them were men #what?) are gathering and ordering this freshly made crispy crepes and roti accompanied with some coconut milky sauce. No meat no nothing, just that.




Chicken Briyani!

This dish, I'm sure most of you know as it's one of the most famous and it's spread around the world. We have it all over in Thailand with a different name and I hadn't even realized it's Indian until I went to India! Herbal rice comes with a spiced chicken. Most of the time serve with some pickled cucumber and spicy sauce.



One of the most colorful dishes I have ever seen

Like, literally! One day I went into a restaurant with a lot of Indian people. No tourists at all and the place seems really busy. We order whatever on the menu without knowing what they were as they were all in Hindi. We got these epic looking try along with crispy crepes and many sauces. #whoa! Crazy! We enjoyed breaking it up with hands trying all the different sauces offered. It's so flavorful and real exotic. I had never seen anything like it.



You know you love your samosa (Curry puff)

Another Indian snack I don't know it's Indian until I got to India! No worries if you don't know where to find it. It's everywhere in all the corners and all the restaurants serve it! Most of the time comes with sweet bean paste mixed with some spices. Dip it in the green-ish not so spicy sauce and hey, enjoy your samosita!



Oooh! Indian pizza!

This crust and dang crispy! Not really pizza pizza like the Italian style kind of way but Indian! As crispy as it could get with a sprinkle of a few spices and tomatoes. ***The thinnest and lightest pizza ever like, literally. ***



Indian seafood

We also went to visit one beach in India. Weird name, 'Mahabalipuram'. We saw cows hanging out on the beach but that's not the point.

India's different, it really is. We tried some of the seafood that I promised you, it's the most red-ish seafood I had eaten. All the things were marinated with spices in red. I thought it would taste too salty or something but no, it's quite perfect. Not too intensive and not that mild. Love how they serve it also, the seafood on the leaf on the newspaper!



Battered chili!

Ooooh! Love this! Another Indian beach snack. We didn't' see this so much elsewhere but here on the beach, they have a few street stalls selling it. The freshly battered and deep-fried chili along with some deep-fried banana. I was hoping it would be a bit crispier but their batter are more like, soft kind of batter. A bit spicy and that's why I liked it!



Indian sweet

We have tried a few but mostly we found it a bit weird taste. I was not quite used to the intensive fragrance like roses, and other herbs they used. In the actual meal like main course where it's supposed to be savory, it's fine because it's mixed well with other spices. Though, when it comes to dessert where it's just that weird thing mixed with just sugar and flour, I didn't think I liked the taste much. #oops!


Weird after meal candy

These are so little! At most of the restaurants, once you're done with your meal, the bowl of candy will be delivered with a spoon in it. You spoon it up, put into your hand and yup! Stir around in your mouth! Again,*** Indian sweets are still not my fav. Not even this small basic candy after a meal***. It's just sweet and I wasn't even sure if there's any mint flavors to it.

Quite a thing to experience though! I had never seen any candy looks like ant eggs :D



Indian Masala Chai tea

No! You can't miss this while traveling through india. It's everywhere on the street and in all the restaurants. Most of the time we paid 10INR ($0.10) for a cup. Lovely price or a delicious cup of Indian Masala Chai tea! and that's why we loved to grab a few cups during the days. We loved it!

It warms you up real well in warm weather of India #lol


Cleanliness and all that...

As mentioned, it's quite an adventurous and exciting kind of journey. India is a special country and it would forever stamp in my mind as long as I can remember things. We sometimes saw people sit on the street and poo poo just like that. Bodies burned and got put into the river where on a few meters away, people were showering and drinking the water from that same river.

I have nothing against the culture and of course, I always respect all the culture as a traveler/tourist. I'm sure there's a place that's cleaner than the other in terms of food. I had never had any problem until one time a few friends and I got food poisoning from eating street food (yes, that we had been eating for the whole entire trip) and I swear, it was the worst on in our lives.

Would I be back to India for its food?

Honestly, I would and I will. I feel like India is one of those countries that have the most unique culture and tradition. It's different, if you know what I mean. Also, at the time I was traveling in India, I was quite a dumb traveler who just wanted to try new things without knowing what I was trying. I wasn't learning nor tried hard enough to absorb the culture.

Now that I'm getting more serious about my vlogs and being a more serious kind of content creator, I sure would love to go back to India and learn as much as I can. I would love to eat so much of their food to know more about everything in general.

I can't wait India, India!


They look so good and spicy! :D

How rich everything looks, excellent post

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