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RE: Steemit and Burnout

in OCD4 years ago

I know exactly how you feel. I am experiencing the same thing after I worked my rear off perfecting the manuscript for my book as well as the cover and making sure it went through and now that its done I can't be bothered to write much anymore.


Did you feel like you were running out of words? I feel like I wanna throw up words but they're just circulating around my head and I have not been able getting them out.

In a way I suppose. But it's more from fatigue and exhausting all of my brain power on this big project. Like, I suppose I am in a recovery state but here I am trying to force myself to write when I can't. It's also a matter of vision, since I have other things I want to write about but I fear it'll lose the plot or seem like a huge mood whiplash to my readers. Since almost everything on my steemit follows the life of my main character. You read one story about him, and then suddenly the next story is someone or something different. And then it's trying to bring everything together so it resembled a comprehensive story and universe. But I suppose it's the overthinking that's also causing me to not write as much, being mentally overwhelmed and all. But I guess this is where we have to force ourselves to take a break, otherwise we'll just keep putting everything off further, you know? Sooner we take a break sooner we can get back to work.


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