Travelgirl's South Korea Trip Have Been Cancelled :(

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

Hi Everyone,

2 weeks ago, I mentioned that there is a chance my friends and I may have to cancel our trip to South Korea if the virus doesn't get better around the world. This week, we have seen the news that it has hit South Korea big time and the 5th death happened today and over 600 people confirmed infected just this week. This was a no brainer, we have to cancel our trip in April.


Luckily we only booked our airline tickets which costs us $1100AUD each and our credit card insurance does not cover the cancellation as it was not the country banning entry but we chose to do this ourselves. We haven't booked our accommodation yet as we were waiting for another friend to get her tickets and probably lucky in that sense one less thing to cancel. This all-girls trip was supposed to be a special one for all of us but unfortunately cannot go ahead. There are just too many variables and there is no point continuing on. The situation around the world changes constantly and we don't want to be stuck in a situation we can't come home or in a quarantine environment - safety is our top priority.

We have planned to go to a few places already, queried on a few hairdressing places to get a haircut but all this probably can be used later on when the virus settles down. We are all pretty down at the moment as we were soooooo looking forward to it but I wanted to share this news with you. We were really looking forward to this so I guess we will just have to find another time suitable to go again sob......


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My flight from Tel Aviv to Seoul tomorrow night was just cancelled by Korean Air after Israel turned an entire planeload of people (130 Koreans and 70 foreigners) around and sent them back (after taking 12 Israelis off the plane in Tel Aviv in full hazmat suits).
I have managed to get a full refund as a result of this.
I'd been trying for a week or more to cancel with a full refund because I could see how things were developing.

See more details in the post

oh wow that pretty serious! So they took the locals off the plane and then sent the plane off?

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Yep! Landed the plane well away from the Terminal. Took the Israelis off in full hazmat suits, refuelled the plane and sent it back.
It will really suck for the 70 non-Koreans who were probably just transiting Korea and now will be stuck there. This will likely include some Aussies as Korea was one of the few ways left to get from Australia to Israel.

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I'm going to Japan in May, and I am more than a little worried about this, too. Barring a travel ban set by either government, we're going because we cannot afford to lose out on the airfare.

good luck with it but depending which country you are from, your government may put an isolation plan which can be bad

but don't worry, Japan is a great place you will enjoy itt

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Better to stay safe! Maybe some local travling during the meantime?

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yes probably have to ... drive a few hours away type of thing

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Unfortunately many like yourself have cancelled their holiday trips since 24th Jan and I do think it will recover until sometime in June. I work for a chain of service residence & resorts; sadly many of our customers have cancelled their holiday trips.
It's tough for business now and I just pray that all this will end soon.


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yah its sad but i hope that you still have your job. People in some of these industries have been told to stay home on certain days because there is not enough work :(

That’s a lot of money to waste, but it’s understandable. Airports need to be refunding people more often. I hope that they can come up with a vaccine for this thing soon otherwise it’s going to start damaging the global economy.

@travelgirl, Unfortunate to know that. Let's pray 🙏 for the people who are infected by this Virus. Stay blessed.

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I am cancelling all my travel plan that includes being in an airport. Stay safe and it's better to hold travel than sorry later :)

Thanks for thos great post !



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