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RE: What It Really Takes To Build Influence

in OCD5 years ago

Thanks for your concern King, I don't know how I can thank you for your time, help, resources, guidance, friendship, TRUST OF ALL, & believing in me when no one else did.
Am publishing the article, let me create a post about this...
My only hope is that I will be able to gain their trust back and they will give me back my credit.
I have alot of articles that I have been working on and they contain numerous gems. which I am planning to drop from today henceforth if all will be well.
I want to enrich my steemit account by powering up and even staking more of my engine tokens and also delegating to the best curators on the platform too..but how can I if all I get are downvotes?
They say my content is not quality enough but if you can check at my last 2-3 posts I am proving them wrong and they proving me right by downvoting me, the downvotes are dropping on me like the World war 2 bombs man!
It hurts me alot to powerdown my SP cause the light at the end of my tunnel is dimmed by the downvotes.
All in all I have already learnt my lesson the hard way and am ready to correct where I went wrong and maintain a good correlation with the community members and build better with this blockchain.


you are a dead man walking

I think it's time we changed the narrative now.

Tony, this is @ecoinstant here again. After talking with @Jaguar.Force - its quest is clear. All of its fire and fury are its own mission statement.

Change the Narrative - this is an option for you! I recommend actifit, appics, or @dpets if you need motivation to start, but please be genuine. I continue to recommend pictures and selfies because they are genuine.

It is in your hands. The flags might continue for awhile, or forever. But if you earnestly change your style of posting on steem to something more genuine, I think that even the most ferocious Jaguars will respect that.

I really would prefer to read about agriculture. The truth is Tony, most of your posts are generic and somewhat boring. I don't know if you are writing them or not, but the ones I do read are usually in the "self - help" section, not my style.

On discord you showed me a picture of you clearning a field and planting corn. That is way more interesting to me than generic self help that may or may not come from you. I am saying Tony - even if its your content - do not fall in love with it. They are only words, they are hardly worth something now just because they are on a blockchain.

I wish you the best - change that narrative.

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