Online tool to check weather you are infected or not with corona virus

in OCD4 years ago

The hole world is suffering from covid-19 and it’s an thread for mankind we also know that checking each and everyone for this is not possible that’s where the Indian tech giant jio comes in the solution to check or identify anyone online in few minutes in this post I will share full details how you can check yourself using the tool.

How to use ???

If you are an Indian and also an jio customer then it’s an easy task for you but if you are not Indian or not an jio user then it’s still simple, I will explain for both so it will simple for everyone to check them,

First I will explain for jio users,

For jio users it’s simple I think each and everyone who uses jio has an jio app so you just have open the app when you open you will see an pop-up like this,


You just have to click on this and it will redirect you to another page where it will ask for whom you are doing this test and you have to select the options from them,


After that it will ask some questions and you will have to answer them rightly so that it will give you an proper answer.

Sometimes, when you open the app you will not see an pop-up like I showed you above then you have to click on the top-left corner showed in the image 👇


And then select first option which is created for corona virus 🦠 and then select symptoms checker like this image,


After that the process is same and at the end you will see the results.

For Non-jio / Non-Indian

Process for non Indians and non-jio users are same you have to go on the link I have stated below ⬇️

After opening the web page you have to follow the steps and said earlier in this post and have to click on symptoms checker and start the test.

The results

If you get results like low risk then are not need to worry about this if it is showing high risk then you should probably visit the hospital and get an proper check of covid-19.
Talking about my results then it is at low risk I don’t have to be worry at all,I also checked it for my family and they are also at low risk


Go and check yourself and your family, do reffer it to your friends.


It's a good and useful article thank you.

Your welcome

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