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RE: STEEM: The Disproportionate Power Balance with Downvotes

in OCD5 years ago

I guess you mean the @mkkkk... account?

I have a lot of SBI's and that account no longer downvotes me as I don't delegate to SBI anymore. That is his beef, not bought SBI's but using delegation to have more SBI's and gain bigger votes.

I can see his reasoning to some extent. Are you getting DV's from this account and you don't delegate to SBI?


They are downvoting anyone who sponsors a SBI, at least that was the last goalpost. Mmk, I have less a problem with... It is clear 5% per SBI sponsored. I don't like it... But okay...

There is another who hits hard (100%)and with no particular open reasoning.

I have been hit at full power by this one a few days ago because I rewarded a supportive action with SBI, it was as painful as working hard all day long for a charity and get a penalty and blame at the end of the day...these are not behaviours that make any people want to come or to stay...are we blind to that ? Do we want to recreate the same judgmental society everywhere, ..seriously ? 😉

It is a bit much... and the fact that we still keep giving regardless of the consequences is testament to the fact that it is the gift that is the primary motivator. After all, if it was pure immediate ROI (like bid bots and circle votes) then everyone would have jumped ship immediately...

Still, it is the ability to downvote without any responsibility that is really not a scalable thing... if it gets out of hand, then a few good accounts might step in... but that is not the sort of thing that you should build a network around!

It seems so as you give credence of the power of what other think over you, so that regardless of the 'toil' of charity, someone's disapproval is all it takes to make charity worthless. You are

neurotic dependence on others approval and acute aversion from disapproval.

Dr Bah

I sold all my SBI and that account is still downvoting me.

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