Get your Logo today!

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

I am not a graphic designer by any means. I just have sort of a creative mind and I like trying out new things, trying to do things I haven't done before.

Making a Logo is one such thing. I've never designed a logo before but I had loads of fun playing around trying to create a Logo for my posts!

As I'm trying to post regularly these days, I thought I should start making my posts look more professional if you will, so having a logo for it seemed like a nice way to start. I have come up with quite a few, very basic and simple. Nothing too fancy yet although there's a whole world of trying different backgrounds, different font styles etc etc. I will be trying out different ones as I go along but here are some of the ones I came up with so far!

1. Simple, yet classy.


This was the first one. tried keeping it very simple, kind of to go with my handle @simplifylife - Keeping things simple!

2 Bringing in the Doctor Vibe!

Then I went for a more artistic, slightly colorful background.


As I am a doctor, I added that small bit of detail to bring in a more Doctor vibe to the logo! I must say, I quite enjoyed this little touch of the medical attire!

3. A green Approach!

Keeping the basics same, I then went for a more green and cleaner approach.


4. The Simplest one!


5. The Coffee Table


I think I will choose one from this list as my first official logo! I would love to hear which ones you guys liked and any suggestions to experiment further if you have experience in designing logos! I'll be keeping it very, very simple though!

Also, If you have found something you really liked from the above, I will happily design one for you for a very small fee of 3 STEEM.

Again, don't expect anything too fancy. If simplistic logos are your thing, feel free to give me knock to get yourself one for your posts! You can leave a comment down below, or reach me on Discord (simplifylife#8338).

End of my experiment for tonight! It's pretty late, should crash to bed now!

Until Next Time!


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