Good vibes under a grey sky

in OCD4 years ago

I think everyone of us needs some good vibes when the sky is full of clouds and the gray is the main color of the sky, so I want to share with you some positive thoughts ^_^

You know I'm an artist (and also an helper in the bookshop of my friend Elena) and so, when I'm in a grey day, the first things I want to see around me are a lot of brilliant colors. Even if in my paintings I use just few colors and my favorite are the blue, the ocher, the brown and a bit of red ocher, sometimes I need to watch a sort of rainbow and if I can't see so much colors in my house, I use to search images on google and my eye are happy. The different shades of red of a sunset, different flowers, an awesome granny square blanket or some beautiful illustrations made by artists I love ^_^

Usually this thing make me feel good, full of inspiration and ready to work on my art!

I have also a good news to share with you: one of my latest paintings found a new home!

It's an oil painting on paper in A4 size and it's inspired by the opera "Madama Butterfly" written by Puccini.

Well, now I need to clean my kitchen after the dinner,

see ya soon!


silvia beneforti

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