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RE: [EN] Posting (or double-posting) in multiple languages? Read this!/[ES] ¿Publicar (o publicar doble) en varios idiomas? ¡Lee esto!

in OCD5 years ago

Hi, I was brought here by @juanmolina so I gave your article a look. I think there are moments, where two separate posts work fine. Let me say a few things.

The title in English and/or in a different language - it is then too long and people ALWAYS look at the first words and if they see some different language, they are not interested anymore.

The length of the article - when there is some short article, it is essential to use two language versions in one article. Otherwise it is too bad for the group, who read the article "in the bottom". They might skip whole article, because they will firstly see the text only in the beginning. Okay, you can separate to two columns. But then it is even longer for both.

And when someone uses proper translation (not just google translator version), it is quite ok because the person put some effort even to the second article.

So in my view, it is not easy to look on this topic. You should take respect from other perspectives. Surely, this is your opinion and there is nothing bad about it. But I rather look on this from the user experience point of view. That is, in my opinion, the most important. Otherwise, downvoting armies would have nothing to downvote in the future. Just saying.


Thank you @ritxi for stopping by and for the comment :)

I think it is ok to translate, some times. If you post daily one version in one language and a second one in a different language, I see it as a form of abuse, especially if that second post, the translation, is a copy paste from google translate.

Finally, I DO respect other perspectives, opinions, etc. I can agree or not, just like others can with me, but that's a different thing.

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