reading books in new yearsteemCreated with Sketch.

in OCD5 years ago (edited)



For many years now, I have a faith that that books run in pairs; one book attracts another, it is an empirical low I observed more than once. one was read by you - and pulled another one into your hands. you stupmled upon a book at a second-hand store - and soon met another one of the same field ... etc etc etc. (There was a time, I even was carrying some books with me, counting on the vague results of "catching Big Fish").
вот уже много лет, как я верю, что книги ходят парами. это эмпирический, не раз пронаблюденный закон: одна книга притягивает к себе другую. прочитал одну - она потянула за собой другую. нашел у букиниста одну книгу, и вскоре встретил другую, того же поля... в таком вот аксепте. (в практическом плане: было время, я даже носил с собой некоторые книги, рассчитывая на неопределенные результаты "выловить Большую Рыбу").
три дня назад мы с моей девочкой нанесли визит в детскую библиотеку (визит планировался давно, но мы ленились, и это был не вопрос времени). про наш книжный улов, я напишу ниже. кстати, я давно не посещаю библиотеки (предпочитаю книжные магазины и личную библиотеку). но вот что замечательно и любопытно: стоило мне наведаться в библиотеку, как я сразу же получил бонус - еще одна библиотека #2 сама свалилась мне на голову. группа Radiohead, чьё творчество я с интересом отслеживаю много лет, и копаю достаточно глубоко, создала на своем официальном сайте открытую публичную библиотеку!!! и поделилась огромным количеством аудио-визуальных матерьялов с 1993 по 2019 год. это случилось вчера. просто фантастика...
three days ago my babygirl and I visited local children's library (it was planned a long time ago, but we were lazy, and it was not a question of time; I will write below about our book catch). Mind it, I haven’t been visiting libraries for a very long time (I prefer bookstores and my personal library). but a wonderful and curious thing: as soon as I visited the library, I immediately received a bonus - another library # 2 fell on my head: an english rock-band Radiohead, whose work I have been following with interest for many years and digging deep enough, has created an open public library on its official website !!! they shared a huge amount of audio-visual stuff from 1993 to 2019. it happened just yesterday. wow! fantastic ...

rh-library.jpg Radiohead Public Library - screencap from the site source

of course, these two events cannot have any connections. by the way, do you believe in coincidences?

now back to the books


we lended 5 books for a month:

  • 'Stardust' by Neil Gaiman
  • 'Adventures of Thom Sayer' by Mark Twain
  • 'Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver' by Michael Ende
  • 'Funny short stories' by Karel Chapek
  • 'The Wonderful Adventures of Nils Holgersson' by Selma Lagerlöf


Gaiman is a great author, maybe many of you have read his novels. This is one of the best in my opinion, a great story (which is being accomplished with a great cinema version, as well!). I have read this book 2 or 3 times, and ofc enjoyed the movie. I had this book in my posession -- but it really get lost somewhere between the shelves. So I decided it maybe time for my baby to get acquainted with it, too. and get it from the library.

Ende's book is completely unknown for me -- it's his 1st book published, I took it blindly, to check out what it will be... (I also loved the cover, hehe). Last year we got acquainted with two other books of this great author: 'Momo' (translated into English as 'The Grey Gentlemen') and 'The Neverending Story' - both are great and I'd include them to the Children's Top 100 Must Read books...

Twain's book is a classic, nothing to comment here, really.


Karel Chapek is a famous Chezh author -- more famous for his 'Salamander war' satire at the mankind. But his short stories are quite good, too. I want to read them myself too :) and wanna check if they will suit my baby too..

Lagerlof's novel is a well-known children's classic, too. We were reading it two years ago a lot (this is the book you cannot swallow momentarily... even if you'd want to!) Now its time to refresh it, this book was given as a home reading at school. We have two diffeent editions of it in our family library and I wouldnt mind to get another soviet vintage one... This one I borrowed from the library cause we needed a certain Russian translation -- this 'different versions' thing can be a mess, actually.

И последнее, но не в последнюю очередь ("чем мы занимались в январе") роскошное иллюстрированное издание ин-кварто "Острова Сокровищ" Стивенсона. Это был подарок от нас с женой на Рождество. Мы купили его в интернет-магазине "Лабиринт".
And the last one, but not the least: this is what we were doing last January. We were reading this splendid illustrated edition of 'The Treasure Island' by Stivenson, this book we obtained a while ago and hoarded, to make it a Christmas present.


Книга роскошна не качеством печати и количеством картинок, объемом полезного материала, который сюда утолкали (смотрите картинки!). Кроме самого романа, здесь огромный комментарий (думаю, почти половину книги!) Комментируются исторические реалии, мало понятные маленькому читателю.. и современному читателю тоже. Английская денежная система и ценность монет, устройство корабля и названия парусов, как самому вязать морские узлы, пиратские традиции и многое, многое, многое другое. К книге даже небольшая веревка приложена!
The book is luxurious not for print quality and not the size / number of pictures, but for the huge amount of useful material that is contained in this volume (see pictures below). In addition to the novel itself, there is a huge amount of commentary, I think its almost half of the book! Historical realities are little understood by the little readers .. and the modern readers, too. The English monetary system and the value of coins, the schematics of the ship and the names of the sails, the sea knots knitting guide, pirate history and traditions and much, much, much more. There is even a little rope attached to the book!


Maps, maps, maps...


Portraits of some famous pirates...



The layout is set in the proper fonts that convey the flavour of the era, of the time -- which is quite a rare thing, and worth a lot!



Ok, i think its enough for you to get hooked. This book is for my Russian readers, of course, who have little babies and grandchildren. Now you know what to search for ;)

Thanks for visiting!


My favorite Gaiman book would have to be Neverwhere, though as you said he is a great author and most of his books are really good.

'Neverwhere' i have read, enjoyed it very much, tho I dont think it may suit my 10 y.o. girl. I will give her time to grow before recommending her more Geiman. We even keep her away of Tolkien's thrilogy -- considering it will be better to read it in her teen years, than so early.

thanks for stopping by!

Probably true, though the hobbit may be just right for her :)

somehow I missed your comment, sorry. of course, 'Hobbit' have been read 2 times already. I think we did it 2 years ago, when girl was 8. and I am sure we will come back to it more in the future, to enjoy it more... the baby tends to forget what she have read in this juvenile years :=)

btw, you have a nice nick, I appreciate it is being from 'Silmarillion' days


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Оооо, книги.
Я тоже давно не бывал в библиотеках, с институтских времен. Предпочитаю покупать нужные. А теперь есть интернет.
Дочь начала недавно читать про Звездную пыль. А книги я покупал эти для старшей. Ну и сам прочитал. Понравилось,
А вот младшая не любит читать книги. Но иногда на неё накатывает и читает, читает и читает.

вот младшая не любит читать книги.

жаль слышать, ну да, есть такое, причем не только от воспитания зависит. нашей мы привили любовь к чтению, но что будет дальше...

Happy to encounter a passionate, enthusiastic reader (& hope I can interest you in my books:)


p.s. lovely covers of the books you have.

well... thank you, Yahia... see, we read books in Russian translations, so the chances are a bit below zero :=)

I never say never ... who knows, one day, I might be translated into Russian :)


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What a great objective to start your 2020 with

This post has been appreciated and featured in daily quality content rewards. Keep up the good work


Radiohead Public Library does seem like a treasure for book lovers.

hm. why do you think so? explain. there is not only not a single book there, there are no articles, no interviews, nothing like that. it may be a treasure but in my opinion rather for music or band lovers, then for book lovers.

? I would like to hear more from you. will you develop the idea... @mobi72

You are absolutely right, there isn't a single book there. I don't know how I was directed to and where was my focus.

I am sure, you won't be looking for any apology for this unintentional mistake which has no benefit attached with it.

Have a nice day.

of course, no offence at all! dont get me wrong. I am just very into this subject... wanted to prevent you from doing a mistake... er... wanted to inform you in a better way, than I did in my post which wasnt focused on this subject a lot... let me put it so. blessings!

I think, I am getting old enough to loose focus which are leading to mistakes. I have followed your account from my DBLOG curation account so that I would appreciate your hard work.

Looking forward to see more of your work.

Thanks & Wish you an amazing day.

Beautiful books and beautiful looking language!
I was writing about books too;)

За ваш пост проголосовал кураторский проект @ru-trail.
Спасибо за публикацию качественного контента на русском языке.

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