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RE: The Star Girl Principle

in OCD4 years ago

The movie is a bit too young for me, but it sounds interesting nevertheless. I might take a peek since there is not much going on at the moment.

As to life, I guess we are all doing the best we can with what we have, what we know. Who is right, who is wrong? Who is to know? Who is to say? :-)


Hey, Vincent.

All very good questions. The problem is, even though it may or may not be there's to say or know, people are making it their right and acting accordingly. It happens all the time.

I believe truth does exist. I believe we're meant to find it, know it and act upon it. However, what most commonly happens tends to be people acting in their own self interests, especially while saying it is in the interest of all.

Hi Glen,

That is the problem. People not only believes what they think to be the truth, they think everybody has to believe what he believes. That is why there are so many conflicts in the world. I guess this is something that is not going away any time so, and we just have to live with it. It is human nature. It is Life. :-)

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