What is Nux Vomica, What Are the Benefits?

in OCD4 years ago

What is Nux vomica?

Nux vomica is a widely used natural remedy for many different symptoms and disorders. It comes from an evergreen green tree of the same name, native to China, East India, Thailand, and Australia. Raw seeds are called "poisonous nuts" because of their toxic structure. To be safe, they need to be treated before they are consumed. Additionally used Nux vomica can be purchased in the form of a pill or powder.

Nux vomica can affect the nervous system and is most often used to treat acute or rapidly developing and short-term conditions. Although true scientific studies have not yet proven its effectiveness, it is sometimes used to treat male infertility.

Benefits of Nux vomica

Studies have shown that nux vomica contains powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants protect you against free radicals, chemicals that can damage cells in your body.

The flowers of Nux vomica are also believed to have antibacterial properties. According to one study, these properties can potentially be useful for use in antiseptics. More research needs to be done.

What does Nux vomica do?
Nux vomica is used to treat many different conditions. These include:

Digestive problems like heartburn and nausea
Male infertility
Cold and flushing, allergies especially in the early stages of the virus
Back pain
Nervousness, impatience and high sensitivity to stimuli caused by stress or mental pressure
Headaches and migraine symptoms, such as scalp, frontal pain, photosensitivity, or stomach problems
Menstrual problems
Insomnia disease
Currently, there is not much scientific evidence that nux vomica effectively treats these symptoms and conditions. Talk to your doctor before you start using Nux vomica. They may suggest other medications to treat your condition or symptoms, or learn about other more effective homeopathic remedies to try first.

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  1. Nux Vomica: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and...
  2. Nux vomica (homéopathie) : bienfaits, indications et posologie ...
  3. Nux Vomica - Bienfaits, Indications, Posologie, Conseils

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