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RE: Pandemic - A short story

in OCD5 years ago

Haha, I couldn't help but try to illustrate your amusing 'not so fictional piece' with an audiovisual epilogue and suitable corollary. };)

«-Less Than Human-»


Interesting video...I found it a bit sad really.

Prolly not much more sad than your 'fictional' story!! :)

Yes, you're right. I was going to end it with suicide actually...You know, last people on the earth, can't deal with it, kill themselves. I decided not to.

Well, I'm still kind of an optimist that we Vzlans (prolly aussies too) will have to repopulate the planet after all this virulent thingy sweep down the earth. Since apparently neither Coronavirus nor COVID-19 virus can survive or like places with a warm/hot weather. So, we better take care of the pearls on our crotch in first place. Hahahaha

Haha, a world populated by Aussies and Venezuelans...The perfect human! Lol.

The perfect human! Lol.

Like God commanded!! LoL };)

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