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RE: Lay-offs, rentseekers and the willing rentors

in OCD4 years ago

Wow! Well said here and we know that you will survive my friend, even if you are laid off, but I hope that it doesn't come to that.
Yes, I do serve a loving God and I have always done what it takes, raised 3 kids, had about 59 jobs and now for the past almost 20 years running a charity on a tiny salary. No pension and I will never take a government grant.

Why am I telling you all of this?
Just to know that you are on the right track and that you have the right attitude.
That's what have always seen you through!
Blessings and respect to you!


What kind of charity do you run?

I like that I live in a country where there is support available when needed, as I think it gives the safety net to leap and know there is only so far one can fall. For now at least, there is no fear of being homeless in Finland.

We run a community owned charity foundation my friend. Called The Papillon Foundation and it is in South Africa. Google;

We have thousands that are homeless and millions that live in shacks.
Only safety net is a small government grant for these people.
I will have to go and look for your post as the Internet is very slow here and the link in your previous reply doesn't work.
But don't worry, as I will find your post.

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