Post of appreciation!steemCreated with Sketch.

in OCD5 years ago (edited)


This is to all of the special people on steemit and others that have and still are supporting us.

I saw the heart shaped leaf floating in our bird bath, took the picture above and edited it with the words.


Here's a painting that I snapped in a used furniture shop yesterday and it talks to me. A cat in a tree means doom for any bird, but they all know that he is there and they chose freedom.
It is exactly so in our lives, the birds fly united and they look after each other, just so are we as steemians to be united in our cause by looking after each other!

The date was 16 June 2017 when we registered here and how well do I remember our early days of the 2 cents and 5 cents posts. We started with a problem as I was born in the BCC (Before computers and cell phones) age and computer language was foreign to me. Yet as the founder of the Papillon charity, I had to make a plan as we did not have the money to employ any fund raisers and I was and still am the only person that raises funding for our charity. Let's be honest here, as I suck at it Lol.

But the surprising thing was that there were so many special people willing to help me. Steemit and all of the front ends are filled with caring people. Many of them are so bright that they make me feel like an old tortoise and yet, they do not hesitate to treat us with love and care.
Oh yes, we have come a far way since our early days here and it is because of all the special souls here.
This is a post of appreciation to everyone to say a sincere thank you for what you have done.
Here's some beautiful pictures for you!


Looks like a Blue Wanderer Dropwing dragonfly!


This one is the Cape Skimmer and they were both taken by me in our small garden!


A lovely yellow Hibiscus flower. They say that yellow is a happy color!


At least, this bug looks happy on the yellow flower!

Tony Pires Butterfly  (3).jpeg

Toni sent me this as a thank you and it gave me the idea to also do a thank you post for everyone that helps us and those that support our posts every day!

Sunlight filtered weaver.jpg

A weaver coming in to land in the filtered sunlight!


And finally, the full moon in the mountains.

Everything is not smooth sailing in our lives and I am sure also not in your own lives, but yet you stand ready to help us and we know that your deeds will be returned to you seven fold. For such is life and it's what we do to, or for others that will shape our own lives. This is a truth cast in stone.
The least that we can do here is to show our sincere appreciation to all of you and to let you know that you are in our hearts and prayers. If you are reading this then please accept our grateful thanks.

A poem here!

"You can repay cash with kind
And kind with cash
But you can never truly repay kindness
With money, no matter how big a stash
Kindness has nothing to do
With the size of your wallet or purse
It depends on the size of your heart
And how free you are from greed’s curse


So now you know who we are after the Papillon post 2 days ago and you also know how much we sincerely appreciate your help. Please also know that you are welcome to regard all of Papillon's credits and achievements as your own.

We hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and thank you for visiting a blog by @papilloncharity


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signatureTeam South Africa banner designed by @bearone

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I missed the post. Good work dear, beautiful Moon in the last photo 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you my friend. Glad that you liked the moon.

Beautiful post. The words, the poem, the pictures. Very inspiring.

Beautiful post. The
Words, the poem, the pictures.
Very inspiring.

                 - hlezama

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Such gorgeous shots and I am glad I have been able to help in small way towards all the grest work you do

Amazing not to see others here JJ, almost like they don't appreciate our sincere thank you.
You have always backed us and I think you know what I am talking about, but I am a little confused here, as normally people like to be thanked for their input.
I never want to make a list of names for fear of forgetting the name of some special soul and I also feel that it would be grandstanding.
You also know that this is genuine, as we are genuine people and all that I can say here is Selah, life is what it is.
Blessings to you for your consistent help and friendship my friend.
Know that we love, respect and appreciate you guys!

first things first without a doubt you and Marian are both such genuine people that is something I knew about you both after seeing just a couple of your posts and sadly I dont think people comment as much as they used to on here, well with us excluded of course we are the way we are and will not change

If one engages he gets !ENGAGE 50 from me

Thank you my kind friend I think we hit it off when were both still tsuvians long ago.
Not as much as here now, as we have grown much closer.
You know that we like to give back and I have tonight been accepted by @engage and will soon be able to also send you some.
Blessings and thank you!

Ohh yes indeed, and I count myself truly lucky and blessed to have developed the friendship that we have ;)

Same thoughts and heart here mate.
Feels like we will still roll together for a long time.
But, it's the way that it should be, even if you wear funny socks Lol.

Ohh yes we have been through a few sites together and now on here, I think this one will last far longer than any of the others ever did

The experiences with the other sites worked well for us JJ.
We will also run this to the end, which I hope will be far off.

@papilloncharity you have received 50 ENGAGE from @tattoodjay!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine.

This tip bot is powered by witness untersatz!

There you also go and cut yourself short my friend. A kind honest word of support is worth so much more than money.
You are one of our best supporters.

Thats so kind of you to say and appreciated :)

This is absolutely beautiful my friend. Just like your heart and such a humble way of spreading your love. I cannot tell you how much Papillion means to me. Ever since our own charity was started and slammed shut over there, I have a new respect for keeping yours alive and well. Well enough to keep going and helping anyone who needs it.

Your heart sometimes writes checks that your charity can't cash, but, in the end, God provides. May God Bless you and keep you and all of your sheep safe. I think of you and yours and keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Somehow, I missed this but have been working nights for weeks now and it throws me off a bit. But, thank you, truly. Truly.

!tip 5.00

I just read this to Marian and she almost cried my dear friend. Yes, it is a very tough battle that we fight for Papillon to survive and many people don't understand it. Your charity that was slammed shut can happen to us any day and it's a sheer hell to have to live with that axe on our necks every day.
We have had many fights in our short charity life of 20 years, even against political and church parties that wanted to claim Papillon as their own, but we were always adamant the Papillon belongs to the public and it still does. The downside of course is that they now refuse to fund us, but we take it in our stride and just continue on our way. Of course that is not the end of it as they continue to try and sabotage our efforts, but we have the mighty power of God and true love for the people and from the people behind us.

I never share these things in public as I don't want people to feel sorry for us, but I know that you will understand as you had to go through it yourself with the elimination of your charity.
But here's the sad news! Their own charities don't survive simply because there are too many that wants to be the boss, so that they can catch the shine and brag about what they are doing for the poor.
They get huge amounts, in the millions for upliftment projects and the money disappears!!!
Their solution? Simply shut the project down and continue with life. No repercussions and the poor lose out.

Please forgive if this sounds like venting, as I said that I never share the true extent of our battles, but the above is just a nutshell blink of it.
It is people like you that keeps us going and that strengthens our determination to walk on our potholed road.
And with this we say that we love you and thank you for your heart!
All blessings to you!

I never feel like you are venting, we are just having a virtual cup of coffee and talking about our day. Africa was not nice to me, but, I can see that it wasn't personal... ;)

Thank you for the always heartfelt words to soothe my soul. Thank you Marian. Bless you both.

One day you must tell me the full story my friend. Let me tell you that many well intentioned people had their fingers burnt over here and this country will never see them again. So sad, but you are a fighter and that's what I like about you. Life can never get us down.
Just the way it is methinks!
Blessings and hope that you will have a good weekend.

I am not bitter nor defeated. It was over ten years ago when everybody was doing a land grab and the internet didn't reach as far over there as today. The real losers were the kids and that were displaced and the lives changed, yet again, in it all.

I hope you have a good weekend too!


Oh I know that you are not bitter and defeat is not in your vocabulary my friend. So it was a landgrab and limited communications.
Not amazing that the kids were the losers, as it is so often the case here still today.

Plus everything in between, but that is a story for another day!

Not to worry as it is all gone now my friend. You did your best and that's all that counts.

🎁 Hi @papilloncharity! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Market Friday Goes Fishing With Jelly Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @papilloncharity! You have received 5.0 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: A Walk Through The National Cathedral Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


Manually curated by @priyanarc.

@helpie is a Community Witness.

A kind thank you for the support!

Charities are living hand to mouth with no support from government, lotteries or any other false promises made Stephen.

The very least one can do is support your daily efforts, being brave enough to even go into some of the areas you and Marian enter into.

Not even going to mention bureaucracy.... There are too many people trying to manage or organize, not enough people willing to actually do the work, loads of swindling and looting.

Thank you for appreciation, I salute both of you in the path you have taken, a tedious task of note!

A sad story over here Lady Joan and at times I feel that we are fighting a losing battle. But thankfully something good always happens that fires us up to continue.
Being robbed at gunpoint hasn't stopped me from going in where angels fear to tread, as I know that when my time is up I could be sitting here and pass away. The simple thing is that there are hurting people out there and that we can do our bit to make their lives better.
Life goes on as they say my friend.
Blessings to you guys!

There is no answer except to keep moving slowly doing what one is able to do.

Our species have run amok, are out of control, keep repeating errors, no there is no answer.

A sad story here Lady Joan, can drive one to madness when you dwell on it, but yes. like the tortoise we simply keep on going. When the fires of ruin envelops this country it will be too late to worry about anything. So sad.

wow beautiful photographs of dragonfly and flowers.

Thank you my friend.

Beautiful note of gratitude!
I hear your struggles but it is very foreign to me.
I am happy you choose Steem as a place of raising funds! I like how easy Steem makes it to give (and receive!) And the wonderfully supportive people found here!
Keep on Steeming on and here's to more growth in your charity in this new year!

Thank you and we see the struggles as shapers of our characters my friend.
Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose and if it affects you in any way, then you are in trouble, as it is the flow of life.
Therefore we don't worry about our tomorrows and concentrate on the today's.
Steem is indeed the best option that I have found thus far and you are so right in saying that there are many great souls here.
Thank you for the kind wishes and know that we wish you guys the very same.

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