What You Don't Value Slips Away.

in OCD3 years ago

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It's true what they say, what you don't value slips away. As humans, we would naturally go to where we are celebrated rather than where we are tolerated. If the value of a thing isn't known then abuse is inevitable. That's the way life operates and that's how things work. No one wants to be around those who don't appreciate their worth.

@Princessbusayo gave me a challenge yesterday and told me to share what I picked up from the movie "Fine Wine". She initially suggested the movie to me and I told her I have watched it. She said she would love to know the lessons I picked from it and I should let it be around relationships and that's why I am doing this.

I shared yesterday that a relationship is more than bedmatics and every other thing that distract people from getting to know their partner. I think most people are having issues with what a relationship is all about because they don't even understand it in the first place.

In the movie, "Fine Wine" this guy claimed to be in a relationship with this lady but he hardly create time for her. I always advise people that if they can't stand the heat, then leave the kitchen. If you are not ready for a relationship then it is pointless to get into one because you are not only wasting the time of the other person but you are also putting their emotions at risk.

Most people go for the face and that's the only thing that they see which is why they won't appreciate the other qualities of their partner - that's even if they know it's there anyway. This lady in the movie would always do the bidding of this guy, she would always be used to seal deals for this guy because they work in the same company but he would find it hard to create time for her. Many times he has allowed work to take over their date nights and yet this girl was still holding on, trying to understand.

One thing we need to know is that no one is truly busy to create time for us, it's all about values. There would always be genuine cases where the busy schedule might kick in but it doesn't have to be all the time. This guy was burying himself in work and his relationship life was suffering for it. This lady never felt valued but she kept overlooking.

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Guys, when you trade the love of a good woman for something else, then you shouldn't feel hard done by when she finds someone who can create time for her. Women love quality time and if you won't give it to them, they won't stop searching for it and when they find someone ready to give it to them, even if that person is not up to your standard, they would go for the person because sometimes, for some ladies, it isn't about money or material things, they project themselves into the future with their thoughts and what they don't want to see there, they try to change it now.

One of the numerous deals this lady in the movie seals for his boyfriend, the guy took interest in her and even though the guy was older and richer, she had no choice but to face someone ready to show her off. Ladies love it when you show them off, it's like fuel to their engine and this guy in question wouldn't even let people in the office know he was dating her. In his words, he would say he was protecting her whereas if you truly love someone, you wouldn't even mind showcasing them to the world and screaming it on the roof's top.

Another issue I have is from the lady. She has seen how this guy keeps skipping dates, blowing her off, talk to her anyhow even when people are there. He ridiculed her many times and yet she didn't see the warning signs. One thing I appreciate about her was the fact that she forgot what anyone else think and stayed true to choosing this older man. A lot of people can question her for choosing someone older and even confuses her intention for marrying someone that old because of money but she didn't care, it's all about her happiness.

We need to stop getting confused based on what others think. The thing is, people will always talk but you don't have to respond. So what makes you happy and ignore everyone else. People will always have an opinion about your relationship but it is your relationship and not theirs. You have to do what's best for you because everyone else would do the same even if they seem to have an opinion about everything else.

A relationship is not for the faint-hearted and for most people who complained about how love has treated them bad, we need to ask them what part they took in not making that relationship work because we all have a part to play in how successful or how terrible a relationship turns out.

Stop bothering on what others say but focus on your happiness. A relationship that you don't nurture would slip right out of your hand and you won't be able to do anything about it. I am glad when the guy in the movie finally proposed to the lady, she saw him for who he is and despite initially agreeing to it, the date they went for, she got ridiculed again and she had to let the guy go. Even her friend was happy she dared to let the guy go. You need the courage to love and to also stay in love or leave.

Let me stop right here...this is long enough already. I would appreciate everyone to watch that movie on Netflix; "Fine Wine". It's about not accepting just about anything in a relationship. Know your worth and go for the love of someone who values you, love you, respect you and would readily create that time for you.

This post also appeared here and it's my original work on my blog on Read.Cash.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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