Recap of 2021 + New Year Motivation.

in OCD3 years ago


So, this is like a break from my relationship posts hahaha and I want to wish you all here a happy new year. I know a lot of people might not under all the whole excitement about the new year but I do. It's okay if some people are not excited about all the euphoria about the new year because of how last year went. It's okay not to be okay with what everyone is okay with. You are not strange, you only need a new perspective.

A new year signifies hope and that's what many people are clinging to. Most people didn't have the best of year in 2021 for one thing or the other or because life happened and I understand but some would do anything to have a fresh start, to cling on to the little ray of sunshine that signifies hope and that's what this new year brings.

My last year was a mixed year for me too. I started the year well with over a million Naira (around $2,000) worth of Crypto Portfolio excluding my Hive and Steem wallet earnings and then the market crash thing happened and they went down. Then I joined read cash before the account had issues because I was posting too much and I took some time off before coming back again.

The year was going well and good and even attended my brother in law's wedding where I was one of his groomsmen. A month after, I lost my mother in law to an unfortunate situation that I believed could have been avoided but where I am, still standing, hoping and waiting for the rays of sunshine.

You might have had a tough and rough 2021 but this is another year to start all over least to some extent. A new year offers hope and you can't do the things you did all through last year again in 2022 and expect a different outcome, it's not right. It only shows we haven't learnt the lessons we were supposed to have picked up from last year. We need to do things differently.


A lot of people would do anything to hold on to anything that gives them hope and that's what this new year brings. It's okay if you don't understand it yet but never discourage others who see this as a fresh start. If you can't inspire them to more hope at least, don't put out the fire of hope they have burning already. Some truths come to us over time so when you don't understand what others are doing, it is best not to criticize but just take a step back, maybe you will, eventually and maybe you won't finally but we are all different.

I have no resolution other than I want to be better every day; learning from daily mistakes to make an informed decision as the year moves. I want to be better and I want to be intentional about anything that gives me growth. I know most resolutions fizzle out within the first 3 months of the year but we can narrow it down so they don't look cumbersome. Just focus on yourself and seek to be better than you were last year

Set targets for yourself on the things you wish to achieve and try to push yourself harder. It is okay if you fall short sometimes but don't beat yourself too much about it as long as you know deep within you that you gave it your all. As they say, aim for the moon and if you fall, you can fall on the stars or at least the tree... The bottom line is, you won't fall back to where you started from and there must be an improvement. If you can't run, jump, if you can't jump or leap, walk and if you can't walk, all you can to keep moving... Don't stop.

It's a new year and I am excited. I was guilty of being lazy with the writing of my book last year and I know that this year, I want to be better. I want to stretch myself even more. My days are always busy and if I can at least squeeze in an hour or two daily to put things down regarding my book, I believe I can achieve it in no distant time.

Happy new year to you all. It would be unfair to start tagging the amazing people here and of course, it would look somehow too so I want to thank you all for being a huge part of my life in 2021. For your love, care, friendship, appreciation, engagements of various forms, I cannot thank you all enough. I feel blessed with every single one of you and let's do this again in 2022. It gets better growing forward.

There are amazing people I've formed quite a remarkable friendship with and I cherish it so much. That's what a platform like this offers us - the ability to relate, engage and connect. Thank you all for a beautiful 2021...

It's a new year, don't lose hope even if you are not excited about how things are already but don't despair. A bad chapter in a book doesn't mean the end of that book but you have to just keep flipping the pages because I believe this year will offer so much more to us and we just have to be able to do our part in it.

Happy New Year once again, my friends. You mean so much to me and I am thankful to God for you and all yours. Cheers to a better 2022...

This post also appeared here and it's my original work on my blog on Read.Cash.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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