Happy Mothering Sunday.

in OCD4 years ago


She stayed up late at night to watch me sleep
Gave me a lot of cuddles just to help me not to weep
Your love runs deeper than the ocean, so steep
Forever in my heart, mama, I will always keep
You were a good sounding board - that timely beep
Your love cannot be quantified because it ran so deep
You were not afraid to show and act it, on me you heap
There is nothing that can faze me because with you I can leap
You have gone to the great beyond, yet, I still you peep
Your seed of love has grown in my heart, everyone can reap
You know how to get things done, within a fingertip
To every mother out there, you are special
The sacrifices of every woman cannot be ignored
Every single day, we need to pray for their strength to restore
Your heart, mothers, is like a wellspring of blessings
Everyone comes to draw and you have more to still give
It's a mothering Sunday for every woman out there
We see the potentials in you, fan it into flame
We see your strengths daily, there is no shame
We see your weaknesses too, this is no blame
But your goodness always override your shortfalls
As men, we want you to focus more on your strength
As humans, we are all a work in progress too
It's okay to desire to be better but never downplay your strength
You are not just strong and smart as a person
You are beautiful, independent and have good foresight
You are not just another human, as a woman you are light
You always come out victories with every fight
When there is a problem, you seek for a solution with your might

I can go on and on about our women. They are peculiar, special, amazing, adorable, sweet, smart, beautiful, strong, admirable and independent. Words alone cannot describe how impressive our women are and it takes the right eyes to see all these and appreciate it. Our women are more than sexual objects and it is about time we start seeing them for who they really are.

Happy Mother's Day.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


There is a saying that even if you cut the skin of your own body and make shoes for your mother's feet, your mother's debt will not be repaid. Your preparation is a very important and captivating feeling that you have realized the love. We should not all have full love for it. He knows how to keep a child in check. Happy Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day. Thanks

That's a brilliant saying.

Hidden in the word Mother is all the love of the world, tenderness, genuine affection, caress, all the happiness of selfless love. In this world nothing compare anything with Mother's love. At the touch of the Mother, the child gradually becomes a full human being. In all religions of the world, the dignity of the Mother has been elevated. The Mother's lap is the safest shelter in the earth for the child. Can be measured at the bottom of the ocean. But the depth of Mother's love cannot be measured. I love❤️ my Mother!

It can never be measured as you have rightly said. So true.

Hello @olawalium, I'm curious, in your land they celebrate "Mother's Day today"...

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