A Life of Purpose.

in OCD3 years ago


Found something horrible than death,
the justification that it isn't enough to just live
and frequently breathe,
it isn't enough to just sleep and wake up daily,
neither is it enough to merely find means of survival.
I've come to the understanding that
life is not just about clothing and shelter,
fulfilment is not in living for oneself,
it's in living for all.

That which is horrible than death,
is like an entire world without water,
like the day without light
and the moon overshadowed by the clouds.
It is a life without contents
is like a salt that lost its taste,
like a light that is hidden from shining;
a life valueless and with no essence.
A life of no significance, value or purpose

Don't live it!
it is a life horrible than death,
to live and leave the earth without touching a life,
to end up being a living dead with no sense of purpose,
to live emptily and die emptily.
For I've seen people who didn't live empty,
but emptied their contents in others before death
and I know of those who lived and died
with their contents in them
Life is to be lived and be a blessing unto others

I would rather live for a day and touch many lives than to live for a hundred years and not be remembered by anyone for anything significant.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


Life is not for only basic needs. We must think more about life and do something , which will help others.

This is so true.

That life has no meaning, if nobody remember you with respect after your death. I read some true words from your poem, Thank you my friend.

I am glad you enjoyed it. Thank you.

You have explained the real meaning of our life very well. We should not live that meaningless or empty life. Your poem is really very nice. Thank you.

This delights me. Thank you.

That complete man that has seen the change in life and has changed itself with change.


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