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RE: C is for: Thoughts on censorship, downvoting and token value

in OCD5 years ago

Yes I have seen tribe owners rightfully downvoting posts that are irrelevant to their tribe so they can't earn the token but they can still earn other tokens

E.g. Someone used the stem tag on a post that wasn't about the stem community and the owner gave a downvote to stop that person getting tokens but with a low SP account so it would only affect stem token earnings, nothing else.

That's the best model atm but I think it will be a bit more streamlined in future. Could just be that we only need one account and the system automatically detects that you're downvoting through a tribe or community and only removes tokens from there, rather than all.

There's gonna be some tears... There's always tears haha


Marky is active and understands the importance of moderation for STEM, it is good. I think in time more sensitive tools can be created/ applied that will improve the experience for all.

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