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RE: Gin and tonic cures coronavirus

in OCD4 years ago

I did laugh when reading I couldn't be fucking bothered myself to be honest

I was thinking the same but you know, for some people it totally works. Good on you helping works colleague out with an idea!


That particular brother is pretty social, and loves ejaculating all about it on Facebook too. I don't have Facebook so avoid most of the social-jiz except for what he posts on our family WhatsApp group. It's most non-sensical crap like online virtual dinner parties. Gimme a pizza and garlic bread, slam a brew on the table, and I'm good to go...No fancy plating required. Lol.

It works for him though I guess and I figured other swanky-sorts on hive might get inspired by his dumb-assery. Lol.

Yeah, my work colleague...I know it sounds gay and all, but some people's emotional state needs perking up and so I'm doing my best. Mostly just chats, a few laughs. Who knows, maybe the Boom might need to perk me up in the future, although your posts do that anyway I guess.

I've always been a helper, a no man get's left behind sort of dude...That translates through to stuff like with this work colleague I guess.

Anyway, I'm off for a virtual dinner-party...Ah ha! Fucking got ya because no I'm not! Lol.

Hahahaha, I bet you fucking are. You are probably ironing a shirt for your virtual dinner right now!!!

Always here for a giggle muckeroo!

My bro is never off facebook. I think it inhibits brain function lol

A person needs some brain cells to make to Facebook but once there...None required. Lol.

Haha, well I do have a t-shirt on...Ironed? Hmm, not so so much.

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