in OCD5 years ago (edited)

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Tensions are high in India as several groups fight across the street of new Delhi, a mosque was burned yesterday and Muslim were rounded up and beaten by mobs. In the last few months a controversy has been stirred up by the prime minister and his party the BJP that has been running a nationalistic campaign which want India to be for Indians and Hindus and are persecuting Muslim and other minorities religions. This has led to a wave of attacks on people of other faith but mostly Muslims who have become their main target.

This all started with the cow crusaders who were stopping animal transport vehicles and searching to see if there are any cows been transported. If they find one you will be beaten up. Then they went after slaughter houses and burned them. Most of this slaughter houses are located in Muslim neighborhood and they bore most of the brunt. The police are been accused of supporting the Indian nationalist instead of protecting the people

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In December India passed a controversial Citizen Amendment Act (CAA) that will allow Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhist, Christians, Parsis, and Jains who arrived in India before December 31, 2014, from its Muslim-majority neighbors, namely Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. This excludes Muslims and is seem and its seem as a way to curtail the Muslim influence. Most people in India don’t have an I.D. and if implemented it will mean that most Muslims will be sent to detention camps that are been built by the government to hold undocumented people. This has led to protest against the bill and counter protest by Hindu nationalist that has led to the clashes we are seeing on Indian streets.

Senior BJP leaders including Modi and India’s Home Minister Amit Shah have vowed to implement the law to the fullest and it means that those who fail to establish their Indian linage would not be allowed to stay in the country and if they stay they will most citizenship rights. They will be “stripped of the right to vote, the right to own property, and the right to have any kind of social security, this will make them a marked people who will continuously face discrimination and violence

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The BJP rose to power through the spread of hate for the Muslim people who own a lot business and property across India and they have been a source of envy for most political elite and they use the same tactic of nationalism used by Hitler to eliminate Jews who own most business in Germany. For Indians Muslim are a pest that need to be eliminated and their current altercation with Pakistan which is a Muslim nation is inspiring more of the hatred. Last year India invaded Kashmir a region that has been a source of conflict since independence from the British. Kashmir is a majority Muslim region and the people were put under strict Indian laws that violate their right as Muslims.

This week The U.S. president is in India and is been accused of supporting a nationalist who doesn’t care about the people right, Trump ignored the reporters who were trying to get his view about the situation in India. Trump and Modi share a similar trait of leadership as both support hate groups and don’t cares as long as they get the votes that will keep them in power.

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