Meteorites? better a super spaceship against lizards | Digital Art

in OCD4 years ago

Hey, everybody, how you been? I hope very well, other than that you love dinosaurs? Well I do, I love everything about those giant lizards, when I was a kid I had several books about them and I was obsessed with the animated series that came out on the Jurassic theme, not to mention toys or collectible cards, tell me in the comments if you shared the same obsession/passion.

Well, it is a fact that 65 million years ago there was an environmental catastrophe that led these extraordinary and giant beings to their destruction, studies reveal that it was an extraterrestrial object, something massive and giant, capable of causing such destruction that kept a layer of dust in the atmosphere for months, blocking the passage of sunlight and therefore collapsing the food chain. This object was a meteorite, but not today, today it will be an alien ship and I want you to imagine in your head a crazy story, which ends in some aliens impacting against our planet millions of years ago.


  • Medibang Paint
  • Wacom Intuos 4
  • Photoshop

-Step 1:

I started by quickly capturing the idea that I had in mind, first with a couple of quick strokes and then solidly filling in each dinosaur.

-Step 2:

Using the grey scale, I added volume to the whole scene, clearly differentiating each dinosaur and giving more prominence and detail to the Carnotaurus from the very first moment.

-Step 3:

In a new layer configured in the "overlay" fusion mode, I started the coloring, trying again and again different shades of color to find the right ones for the scene.

-Step 4:

Once I chose the colors, I created a new layer and colored it normally, mostly using the airbrush and watercolor brush, since these allow me to add soft layers of color or mix them with each other.

-Step 5:

Adding modifications to the illustration, as I love to do that, the previous step you saw I modified the ship that is going to crush the lizards, but it was very close, so I moved it a bit away, also, I added some additional ships and debris to increase the future destruction. I created the brightest tones using the "overexpose color" blending mode in Photoshop, plus I used my beloved Gaussian blur to blur everything a bit and set a focal point on the dinosaurs and the ships.

I'll leave you a little gif with the whole process in it, so you can better appreciate the step by step.

Copyright @hadley4

See you in a future post!

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