Uncle G strikes again

in OCD5 years ago

I wouldn't say I'm a bad uncle to my niece and nephew; Quite the contrary in fact, I think I'm a pretty good one; Trustworthy, caring and generous. There's not much I wouldn't do for those little people really and I do what I can for them despite one being in Finland and the other 4,500 kilometres away from where I live here in Australia.

Considering I'm the uncle though, a certain amount of uncle-license is granted; The ability to, or should I say the expectation that I will, teach those little kids some bad habits or spoil them somewhat before sending them home to their mum and dad. It's my duty as the uncle after all.

In 2018 I visited Finland and spent some time with @smallsteps, my niece. She's a smart kid, sharp as a tack, and very good-natured.

What was lacking was a certain Australian-ness and I felt it was my job to verse her in the ways of the Aussie, just a little. I taught her some Australian words, drummed it into her in fact, and to this day she hasn't forgotten. There's a fair chance that if you met her right now she'd greet you with a pretty good rendition of "g'day mate", accent and all, not something you'd expect from a three year old from Finland. She even went to Day Care saying it to the teachers there; Good girl!

Job done uncle G...Until July 2020 at which time the lessons will begin again when I'm over there visiting.

Recently I had my brother here with his 16-month old for Christmas and again, old uncle G had to school him. It's my uncle-duties after all, and I take them seriously.

He's a smart chap, funny too, and he has a sort of mischievous nature, a lot like I did as a kid. I wasn't sure what to teach him as he was quite young however it dawned on me once I met him...You see, he had greeted me with a high five which is legit, however I wanted to take it further so introduced the fist-bump which he took to very well.

I wasn't sure if he would retain it once he left but I've just been told he has been teaching the fist bump to the other kids at day care. Job done, uncle G strikes again. You're welcome parents.

Unfortunately I can't be as much a part of their lives as I would like; The distance is to vast and whilst phone and video chatting is good, there's nothing quite like being with them in real life.

As a couple with no children, Faith and myself I mean, these little ones are the only future we have and they mean the world to us. Sure, they're not mine, but that doesn't mean I can't teach them a thing or two...I hope my influences will be valuable and meaningful for them in life, but I'm sure they'll go home with a bad habit or two after hanging out with the G-man also. That'll be for their parents to sort out.

I think I'll be a cool uncle to them as they grow older though and I'm hoping we can spend more time together although as they get older I guess they won't want to hang out with a crusty old uncle right?

I was really pleased to hear my nephew had retained the fist-bump thing and look forward to teaching him, and my niece, some more stuff as life brings us together in the future.

I don't think I'm the smartest guy in the world, far from it, however I look forward to exerting some influence on these two young people, to help them find an eagerness to learn and develop and to help them design and create the best version of their own lives possible. They will be brought up well by their parents of course, so I hope to be that mate they can always turn to for help, advice and guidance when mum and dad aren't the appropriate people to go to for it. Will I be a cool uncle? Yeah, I think so.

Tomorrow isn't promised - Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default
An original post written by a human
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺

Image is mine showing Lake Wakatipu, New Zealand


Will be great for them to have someone to turn to when Mom and Dad don't seem the right one to talk with.
My cousin lived with me when my eldest was in preschool. She from New Hampshire and us living in Utah at the time and they were worried he didn't know how to say his R's, and I had to let him know it was an east coast thing ;)

I'll always be here for those two and feel like I'd be a good influence...I'd like to think I'll be tough but fair on them, but they'll probably always get their way! Lol.

Good ol' uncle G to corrupt those kids🤣

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You know it! Poor buggers...Or is it, poor parents?!

Poor parents 🤣

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Again, such a nice read. Pura and I don’t have kids either. Hence the reason we’re doing what we’re doing—most likely. At least you have siblings, though! Try to imagine that one for a minute.

But anyhow, I do have plenty of friends with kids and I have a story to share with you. My friend Shannon’s little girl, this is ages ago, she’s about 20 now, I’m at her birthday party. Well, unbenounced to me, she really retained what I told her. Her mom called my a day or so after the birthday party and let me know her 4 year old told her pre-school teacher “naps are for sissy’s.” Lol! Yeah.. I did that.

Ah yes, we have to be careful what we teach the kids to say...It could lead to trouble later! :)

In their formative years I'm very careful but over time I'll open up and am sure they'll pick up something they maybe should not. I think they'll be wise enough to know right from wrong - Their parents will bring them up well. Still, I have to be careful. :)

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Bad habits and noisy toys, two things every self respecting Uncle should be responsible for.

Oh yeah, they have their share of noisy toys from me too! Lol. An uncles right.

Nay, an Uncle's obligation :)

Haha, yes agreed. Lol.

I think you will be an impressive uncle and teach them much needed skills. Although my nieces and nephews (ages 7 to 2) are not as far away... I try to see them as often as possible and they are my heart! Being an aunt or uncle is just one our most important jobs!yuvyxv6t5r.jpg

Great picture Pooky! I agree too, the uncle/aunt role is important. I see the role as a secondary responsible-person role...A person they can come to when they feel ashamed of embarrassed to go to the parent. Mine niece and nephew are both young at the moment but when they are older I hope to have it instilled in them that I am there for them 24/7...Not to give them things, handouts per se, just to support them and be there for them when they need. I hope they see me as the cool uncle, the dependable uncle and the fun uncle too.

Thanks for responding, I really appreciate it. We have't chatted much on comments but am pleased we did on this one.

I agree whole heartedly! I chat with mine on different medias as often as I can and they seem excited when we do! So looking forward to my next trip to see them in May!

Cool on you.... but is Uncle G planning to provide the tykes with little cousins? Eh?

Unfortunately my wife and I are unable to have kids. It's ok though, the world doesn't need more little G's running around anyone. Just one of me is enough.

Sorry to hear that ! I dont know ,,, from what I have read on your blog... perhaps the world could do with quite a few more G's !
And in case you get the wrong idea {wicked grin} ... I am happily married ...

Haha, well thank you sir, and for adding the disclaimer...Never know what could have happened if you didn't! Lol.

Don't worry about the other thing, you weren't to know. I've mentioned it in passing in my blog over the time but I rarely refer to it directly. It's all good, we made peace with it.

Howdy sir galenkp! you'll be the best uncle in the world ever!

Aww shucks...Yeah, I reckon I'm a pretty good one all things considered. I spoil my niece and nephew. :)

lol...what a blessing to be able to!

I see it as my job Jon, as the uncle. Besides, I don't have kids of my own so I have to spoil someone right? Lol.

Exactly sir galenkp, I love it! The parents have to get a kick out of it too.

I think they just like the fact that we get along so well. I'm probably mostly a good influence, and would never let harm befall them so I the parents feel good about it. :)

Hey if I was a parent and knew that an uncle was building a silver collection for them I'd let him do whatever he wanted. lol.

Good point. 😂

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