The noggin retreat and 'reflective pages'

in OCD5 years ago

It rained overnight, much-needed rain; I woke to a dim day, but one that smelled fresh and clean and was dotted with thousands of water droplets clinging tenaciously to every surface. I sat outside, sipping my morning espresso, enjoying some Vegemite on toast and performed my usual ritual of gratitude; Thinking about all the things I'm grateful for, like waking up.

The birds chirped and my lungs sucked in gulps of the cool and fresh morning air and it all felt quite peaceful and relaxed. Pictured you can see my back yard, some of it. I snapped this image, a frangipani bloom, and you can see the rain droplets clinging to it...However they won't last forever will they...Like most things in life there's a beginning, middle and end.

After some earnest sipping of coffee and chomping of toast I started scrolling through my steem-feed coming across a post by a very well-known and highly-regarded user which made me stop and think. It was a simple post around his thoughts of returning home after an extended time away and his relationship with his young daughter. The post was simply a collection of words, his thoughts put into words, and was written for his own purposes and benefit, not to solicit sympathy or gain an answer from an outside source.

Over the years of writing myself I've found great value in doing the same; Writing things down to coalesce my thoughts and make them easier to decipher. It allows me to collect my thoughts, bring them in-check from a spiralling mess of emotions and feelings, into clear and focused thought and in writing them down I find great benefit...It's an outpouring of my inner-most thoughts as such, and most often the words on the page seem to reflect clarity back to me...It's like the page, and my words on it, are a mirror of myself and through seeing myself there I find greater ability to navigate my thoughts, feelings and emotions, to balance, weigh and measure them more effectively. It probably sounds corny to you, but it works for me.

I suppose, in reality, it's the act of thinking through the thoughts and feelings in ones' head that brings so much benefit, not the fact they are on paper. It's a good strategy though, in my humble opinion, as our noggins are full of so much noise these days, in our modern and complicated information-loaded society...Retreating inside one's own mind to find clarity and thought is a valuable experience.

Taking time to noggin-retreat, to get inside one's own mind to order thoughts and emotions, is an important part of life and we all do it...It's called thinking...But we don't all take the time to write those thoughts out on paper, or digitally, which I feel can limit ones' progression towards resolutions, or simply clarity of thought. Here, on steem, we have a perfect forum to do so; A place full of like-minded people and a relatively safe environment to speak ones' mind.

How about giving it a go by speaking your mind in the comments below...Come on, you know you have an opinion.

Tomorrow isn't promised - Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default
An original post written by a human
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺

Image taken in my back yard with my Samsung S9 phone


Live nature

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice plz follow me

Really nice picture.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you, any coments about the words I wrote or you just like the picture?

Really great picture.

Regarding the words, I can say that I often noticed the difference between my thoughts in my mind and on paper. It might sound weird but it's like they're slightly different when putting them on paper. I believe that by doing that we can see ourselves from the outer perspective, the one that our closed ones get on us. Overall I'm a notes guy, but I use more often my phone that just paper. I noticed that I even find it difficult nowadays to hand write. I have always had a bad writing though but now I'm even worse.

Again, great picture sir, informative post :)

Hey there, tbanks..the picture is a bit of a fluke, like most of mine. 😂

I think seeing the words written out sort of make them more real...That's why it is suggested that goals are written, nilot just kept in the brain as thoughts.

I don't write much these days, with a pen I mean, but sometimes I do and yeah, my handwriting has always been atrocious. Join the club.

Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate getting comments when I post, as do we all I guess. Have a good day.

Yeah, live that shit! 🙂

Hehe, dontcha love those kind of comments!

I was originally going to write that I ate too much chilli last night and that I felt bloated. Them I saw the other reply :0)

Bwahaha...Yeah, it reminds me of back in the day when people used to say , "Good post dear"...I used to let them know how fucking creepy calling another bloke dear is, unless you're my aunty.

Commiserations on the chilli, but I'm sure you enjoyed it. Lol.

Live nature Boom. Live it.

Hahaha, glad I'm not the only one that got freaked out by that dear nonsense!

Gave me the creeps...I actually only pulled someone up on it only a couple weeks ago. In the main it's stopped now though. Thankfully.

I actually thought it was starting back up again. I have had a few dears thrown my way recently!

Ye gods!

Don't tell me that, I'll have to break out my standard cut and pasted line I used to use complete with mediaeval language and everything. Those mediaeval people knew how to sling an insult. 🙂

The truth is, we don't have to rack our head while trying to talk about our day or something that we experience personally. But, If it were to fact or research work that takes time to decipher . have a nice and thanks for telling me your opinion about my last post. It is because you read and understand the message which is why you could relate.

Ah, ok. Thanks.

Writing is a way to process and it is under utilized these days as people seem to think they no longer need to parse their thoughts. Quick content, fast posts, 144 characters.. The loss of mind, and unhealthy for the body.

Yeah agreed. Maybe people prefer to seek superficial answers to their thoughts, problems and quandaries and so prefer not to process them too much? I don't know.

Yeah I figure as much. A form of avoidance by stopping at what feels good, rather than find the roots.

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Did you do some editing? :)

Yay for rain! We had some random droplets a few days ago, wondering if it was on its way over XD

On the noggin-retreat thing, I used to keep a diary/journal/whatever they're calling it these days pretty faithfully as a kid. Then I grew up and started blogging and the journal became for stuff I wouldn't put online and now all the stuff I wouldn't put online just stays inside my head unless I feel like talking to someone about it. Think that was a combination of not having the time to write if I wanted to do art with what time I had left after pretending to be a responsible adult and getting better at processing stuff in my head XD

Speaking of art I was actually failing at upvote running my feed (I want/need to be doing art right now but some errands ran over my usual steem times) and was kind of tempted to not comment because you specifically asked for comments because that is how bad I am with CTAs XP

However I like commenting so you got one anyway ;D

Diaries are a good way of ordering thoughts but as you say, it's not really something that's done so much now. I never had one as a kid but as an adult I wrote a lot for sure.

The photo? I took it on my phone which uploads it to Google Photos...I then used the pop slider to increase the pop and the result is what you see. I don't know what pop is, but that's the extent of my editing skills...(Google photos)

Thanks for your comment. Much appreciated. :)

"Pop" makes the main subject stand out from the background a bit more (like it's popping out of the photo into your face). I asked because from how you described it I think you may have pushed the slider a little bit much ;D

Did you do the editing on your phone? They have some nice tools available for basic editing now don't they :D Saves having to upload to your computer when all you wanted to do was make it a bit brighter!

I don't care about what my photos look like Ry, I'm not a photographer on here, and won't ever profess to be, and so if they look shit it means nothing to me...Less than nothing actually. I've pushed the pop slider all the way to 100% at times, just because. I'll do it again too...I'm crazy like that. I break all the photography rules because, well, they are bullshit rules.

I don't really edit my photos...Haven't got the time or inclination mostly. I have better things to do like build Lego, shoot, off-road, watch Netflix, go kayaking, pick my nose...Anything but editing photos. That shit bores the shit out of me. 💤😴


I don’t edit mine at all, how they appear on my blog us hoe they came out (I’m one of those people that will take a few shots and hope one comes our alright). Too lazy to edit so mood 🤣

I use the Google thing here and there, that's the extent of my editing. IT's take about 2 seconds to do a photo. Other than that..Yep, I just don't care.

Howdy sir galenkp! "Thinking about all the things I'm grateful for, like waking up." lol..that's the way I start my days too. Steemit is very therapeutic in a way isn't it?

The mention of rain made me think of the fires, are you guys getting some rain on the fires?

And also, I did a post about our wild mustangs over here and I actually thought about Australia and it's vast remote areas and wondered if you had any over there, not mustangs but wild horses.

The fires are still burning in places but are more controlled. A little rain fell which helped.

We have feral horses yes. I did a long post about them a short time ago actually.

Great post! Mobs of Brumbies! lol...400.000 of them. In my post I talked about just 88,000 and they don't bother anyone, we're just bothered by them overpopulating and starving. Texas is doing it's part to help though.

Thanks mate...Most of Australia is completely devoid of humans so these ferals run free. There's also around 1,000,000 camels out there. Amazing to think huh?

Camels??? Oh I didn't even think about camels being there! That doesn't sound like an Australian Sounds like they are overpopulating too.

They are a remnant from the camels brought here by the first explorers in the early 1800's. They realised that horses wouldn't do well in the outback so brought Afghan cameleers here to run the camels as pack animals..Some escaped, some were let go, and now they have bred to around 1 million. There are professional camel culling expeditions all year round. They cull by helicopter. It's an odd sight to see camels in the outback, but reasonably common. (I mean in the real outback, not 30 minutes away from the city.)

Very interesting information sir it's not illegal to shoot a camel?

Nope, they are a feral pest and shooting them is permitted. I probably wouldn't want to shoot one myself, but as a professional culling shooter it's really just another job. I cull deer, kangaroos, foxes, hares and rabbits on a big cattle farm and have done a lot of of pig shooting in my time. I'm not inclined to shoot brumby's or camels though.

They are controlled all the time, as are the other ferals. To be honest they controlled the koala population on Kangaroo Island here in SA not too long ago. An environmental cull to lessen the burgeoning population. I wouldn't shoot a koala either though.

It's a complex issue here and one many don't understand.

Short answer...It's open season on camels.

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