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RE: Our house

in OCD5 years ago

We've never been to a bad place in EU...Love it all. I can't say what is my favourite place though as I love it all. It's just so different than here in Aus. Coming from little old Adelaide means heavily populated areas bring a whole different aspect. I love people watching too, so it works out. I also like the fact it's so different across each country but so easy to get to them. Here we could fly for 5 hours and still be in Australia. Lol.

Oh yeah, my brother posts a lot. I'm the stupid older brother who generally blogs about anything and everything, he's the smart one.


Hahahahaha LOL
Anything is good; Whatever also; Like the Lego thing you do. Gave all my collection to my niche, so am off Lego for a considerable time.
Europe is so small with so many different cultures; Dont have a favourite country or city as well. Indo like my little Netherlands though. I think one of the best places to live. Like Stockholm as well, little bot more quite to Amsterdam bit such a beauty of country and laidback city with great friendly people in it. You’re missing midsummer; Must be crazy in Finland. Spend a few of them with Swedish friends out and about; usually in the mountains/hills somewhere or some small village at a lake. Crazy parties!

We almost chose Amsterdam instead of Copenhagen for our July trip. We ended up with Denmark as the flights worked out a little better from a logistical point of view. We'll get to Amsterdam though. We're huge Formula One fans so would love to come over and do a couple races sometime. Zandvoort might be one of them.

The Fins are big drinkers for sure and they love their parties. I have two brothers there, their wives who are Finnish, and their kids also. We have only been once and loved it. We are all not big drinkers though so it's rather cultured. We are planning a steem meet up in Tampere when I'm there in July as there are quite a few users in the area. Should be good. You should fly over. Lol.

Owww Zandvoort this year already for F1; Hopefully they keep the track in coming years as well (I think that was the deal anyway with the F1 authorities, but nor sure).

Cool! A Steem meetup at the other side of the world for you :) Never been to one, but I don't think we have one organised in NL, or I just missed that part of the community.

Yeah, midsummer is a lot about barbecue and foremost drinking. Seen the Sweeds getting so drunk, some of them simply fell over somewhere and didn't move for hours. Hahahaha, so funny to watch not being a big drinker as well and being kinda sober :)

I think Zandvoort has the GP for some years to come so I think it'll be a good one to see considering we haven't been to NL before we'd sight see and do the GP in the one trip.

I'm not much of a drinker myself, and my wife never drinks alcohol so we're not the types to go too crazy. I can remember a time when people didn't understand why I didn't drink much, or at all for many years in fact. There is a drinking culture here, has been for a long time. It's just not something that's ever been so important for me. I drink socially sometimes, never alone.

We have a meet up here monthly. Some 13-22 people attend...At a pub. It's kind of cool seeing people face to face and chatting like human beings and I'm hoping we can make something happen in Finland when we are there.

That sounds you have a great little Steem community downunder. I do hope indeed you’ll make it to the one in Finland. Let me know when you plan to visit NL, I shall arrange a Steem meetup for you :) You could go on a Steem meetup tour, visiting all the countries in the world since we must have Steemians from all countries. Hopefully soon also from the space station and moon :) How cool will that be?

A worldwide steem meet-up tour sounds good! Better if it's all paid for with steem too! How good would that be!

I think the Finland meet-up is happening for sure...I mean, worst case scenario me and @tarazkp will meet (considering we're brothers and I'm staying with him) so yep, it's on! Lol.

Hahahaha! The Brother KP holding strong :) Hahaha that was the reason for asking; to get some from your kitchen :)

Yep. He better have my room ready!

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