Perspective and serenity

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

I took this image a little while ago at the beach not too far from where I live. It was a rather serene evening, warm and still and the water was almost dead flat. My wife and I were walking along as we often do, sometimes talking but mostly in silence simply enjoying the evening, being together and the deep sense of serenity our surroundings, the beach and sunset, left us with.

I long for that simplicity right now as currently our lives are quite complicated; We have ever-changing scenarios to work around as day to day the situation around the virus-measures, in place to mitigate the risk, changes. We're constantly on edge, waiting for bad news, seeking answers and solutions to our problems and generally feeling somewhat out of control; A feeling I'm not comfortable with.

I have a meeting this morning at 10am with one of the Directors at work and I'm not sure how it will play out; I'm not worried per se, just a little anxious I guess. Is it going to turn out well or not, is it the conversation I've expected for a few weeks, the one that stands me down with no pay, is it just the Director wanting to bounce some ideas off me as he often does. Time will tell.

As I came fully awake this morning it came right to mind, the meeting and scenarios around it, and then something else slipped into my morning-noggin, something from hive I'd read the night before...And all of a sudden my problems seemed somewhat diminished and a little ridiculous to be truthful.

I refer to this post from a chap who seems to have a leaky house at a time when the rain is pelting down...From the images he's in a little strife. I get the impression he's emotionally drained, feeling a little defeated and probably hard done-by and I don't blame him as the images show a reasonably dire situation.

I admit that it made me feel a little guilty waking up in a comfortable home, coffee machine releasing tantalising aromas, toast coming along nicely in the toaster and my lovely wife scrambling up some eggs...It made me feel very grateful for what I have around me, I mean more grateful than usual, as I always show a lot of gratitude and respect for what I have.

As I got dressed for work, a suit and tie today for the meeting with my Director, and ate my breakfast I thought about my day, my meeting and feelings of uncertainty and concern and found that it melted away in into a feeling of serenity...A calm demeanour that I hope I carry forward into my meeting in a few hours; It was a nicer feeling than the anxiousness I was feeling previously.

This happened because my problems seemed quite insignificant to that fellow above...Sure, someone else's plight being worse than mine doesn't negate my own, but it put things into perspective just a little bit.

I don't know how my meeting will go, nor do I know if the guy in that post above managed to get his roof fixed...But what I do know is that life throws up challenges and brings adversity whether we like it or not; We have choices to make around those challenges. We either face them or not I guess...And deal with whatever comes next.

The anxiousness I felt wasn't going to help me today whereas the serenity I'm feeling will permit me better clarity of thought and ability to deal with whatever comes. I wish I could help that chap with his roof, but all I can do is say thank you for providing me a little perspective.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209


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I hope you did well in the meeting.
I love photography, it is wonderful!

Photography is great huh?

yeah it's a beautiful sunset

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