I have Corona

in OCD5 years ago

From today I've begun working from home. I have remote access to my companies' cloud-server so my laptop looks and operates exactly as it would at work, although it's not quite as streamlined when printing...Still, I try to operate in a mainly paperless fashion to the best of my ability anyway, so I'll work around it.

I'm glad to be out of the office to be honest as I believe most people are not willing to do the right thing in relation to isolation when it comes to this virus thing. So far I've remained healthy, and I'd like to keep it that way.

So, I'm home.

On the way I thought it would be best to pick up some work from home essentials and stopped off at the shops to see what I could find. This is what I got:

  • Fresh white bread
  • A couple cans of sliced beetroot
  • A thing of whole-egg mayonnaise
  • Corn chips (Nacho-Cheese of course)
  • A 2L thing of iced coffee (cows milk-based naturally)
  • Some Corona's

I'm all set for my work from home period.

Now, you may be wondering what the beetroot was all about...Let me clear that up...One of my favourite sandwiches is beetroot, cheese and mayo on fresh white bread. I know, sounds fucking delish right? My mum used to make them for me as a kid and I've loved them ever since. I limit it though as I try to stay clear of carbs mostly. Still, I figured if anything was going to stave-off the coronavirus it would be a constant supply of this legit sandwich. Get on it y'all.

As you know, I have everything else I need for an extended work-from-home scenario however just needed to add these few items. I'm set now.

I'll be honest, I don't know how much work I'm going to do...Probably sweet-fuck-all, however I am away from the potential virus-carrying-infected-people and get to watch Netflix all day plus get paid so, thanks coronavirus. 😂

I'm being a little tongue-in-cheek here of course...I will be working although I'll probably not be as productive considering the COVID-19 scenario is beginning to affect all aspects of normal life and business. I will do video-meetings where possible and pretty-much limit contact with other people as much as possible.

By the way, no I don't have coronavirus, but I got some Corona because it was 30% off and that seemed like a bargain. I was hoping Great Northern was on sale, but unfortunately it doesn't have a virus named after it and so it was full price. Bummer. Maybe next time huh?

I'm not too concerned about getting the virus from a health perspective although considering my line of work dealing with the public, and that we also have a business that my wife runs, getting sick would be problematic although we have been preparing for financial issues relating to the virus for a little while so should be reasonably insulated from most some a little of the pain.

Ok y'all, it's time to deploy some beetroot, cheese and mayo sandwiches with a Corona...Here's to a splendid work day.

Tomorrow isn't promised - Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default
An original post written by a human
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺


My work income has dried up due to it being dependent on my clients traveling, and now that travel is reduced, my income is zero. So I sit at home and eat lentils using free wifi from the hotspot next door.

It's going to get like that for many more too I'd say. It's a bad situation. I don't know where it's all going to end, but I think with far more bankruptcies than deaths.

I hope things work out for you mate...Although having to eat lentils...Not so good. However tethering to free wifi is legit. Nice one. Thanks for commenting. All the best huh?


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Sounds like where my business is going to be very soon too :/

Cheers. I've worked from home for the last 3 years plus, ask my anything about the strategies to cope without the ability to directly gaze scornfully at your colleagues.

Haha, yeah I do that at the office...Now I can do it by email.

And I do.



My work turned off video conferencing because apparently it took too much bandwidth on the VPN.

Great fun. :D

Hopefully they upgrade that before the end of the week, otherwise I can't do the scornful gaze.

Take a photo of yourself (a.k.a. selfie) giving a baleful stare and email that around. Your work colleague will appreciate it. Trust me.

:D I might end up doing that... depending on how the rest of the week goes...

Haha...Or just rock on into the office and start coughing everywhere...That'll fuck-em.

No way I'm going to Melbourne just to do that...

Haha! Get on it mate...All the cool people are doing it. The new internet craze.

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I have been working from home since last 8 years 😀 Unfortunately we don't get the liquors wit 30% off , and also I am suffering from a Liver cyst, so advised to cut the consumption. Going for a third ultrasound today, there are many ways, the soul can leave the body, Corona is just one of them 😀 so why fear ?

Yeah, no fear for me...Dying is easy...It's the living part of life that's often hard.

I work in a corporate job within a company with 3 different corporate offices in my city (I work across all three). I usually only spend 2-3 hours at my office though, and the rest split between cafés and clients locations, or my own home. I'm now full time from home though, at least for a while. By the way, I'm not sitting around drinking beer...I was just messing around. Lol.

Look after your liver mate. Good luck at your ultrasound.


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Howdy sir galenkp! That's great to be able to work from home. I've never had beetroot, I don't even know what it is but it must be tasty.

You don't know what beetroot is? That cracks me up.

Next year we will have Northern virus😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Boom! Great Northern's on sale at BWS! Let's make it happen...

That sandwich combo sounds wrong to me! Now if it was a "chip butty" that would be different.

It's not wrong...It's right! Don't knock it until you try it though.

Had me a chip butty last night at my mother in-laws coincidentally. So good.

I will start slow and transition into it, maybe put some beetroot on top of the chips first.

Haha...Good plan...I can see you're a smart dude...But anyone who likes a chip butty is of course!

I write software used by 911 dispatch centers so our clients might be more busy instead of less. We are looking at potentially working from home for a bit. I am just hoping the panic clears up soon.

That's pretty cool. Your job.

Yeah, I'm not sure soon is coming anytime soon. It's getting quite mad down here...I think the worse scenario is the panic buying. Without that we'd be a little more under control. I think the media are making matters worse...Typical of them..

Aye, the number of empty shelves continues to grow. Including perishable items. Weird thing to try to stock up on.

There could be a lot of unhappy people if the power grid goes down huh? It's a crazy situation hey?

It is definitely a weird time.

Hello there #galenkp, glad to hear you can work from home, not everyone is so lucky. I agree, the bankruptcies are going to far out number the deaths from this awful virus. I just hope all this goes away soon, but I don't believe that will be the case. Everything is shut down all over the USA.It's really weird to see the streets so void of cars and people. We are glad to live on our farm, with lots of space between us and people. I do worry about my kids though, my son and daughter both work in hospitals, so there's no working from home for them. My oldest son runs his own carpentry/cabinet business and has already had calls to take projects off the books, people are afraid to spend. My middle son is a stay-at-home dad as well as crypto investor and Uber driver. So he's home with the three kids doing homework with them on the computer, while his wife is home, teaching her students over video feed, nuts! All schools are shut down. As well as 90% of businesses. A little scary but have to keep it in perspective, some liquor stores are still open and I do like THAT corona with lime please.
Be well!

Yes, it's similar here although the streets are not yet devoid of people as they have not locked the place down.

It's bringing a lot of panic and some terrible behaviour from many in society and whilst I understand that it's an emotionally-charged time inflammatory action, or behaviour, is not productive. Still, that's humans for you.

I hope your children are all good, and yourselves also of course...It's a troubling time for sure.

30% off sounds like a great deal, though I wonder of Coronavirus has had a reputational impact on Corona beer? The instant I read beetroots, I thought of The Office, following my months long binge-watching of all 9 seasons. I suppose if you've got some time, it's a good show that I can recommend. Though I haven't had beets before... might need to give it a try now. Stay safe!

I heard Corona beer had a 20% downturn in sales...I'm not sure if it's true, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Get onto the beetroot, cheese and mayo sandwiches mate. It's the good stuff!

I'll do my best, though beetroot isn't easy to come by in Malaysia, so far as I've seen anyways. Any chance Grouchy could ship some over? I hear Lego's can float, so maybe Grouchy send some beetroots from down under, in a boat perhaps. It'll be a long and arduous journey though... But it must be done!

A Lego beetroot boat! Legit, Grouchy and I will get to work! Lol.

Please do! I'm not sure if tropical weather suits it, but we can start planting right away 🤣 We need to hit those beets!


Haha...Hit dem beets! Lol.

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