First-world problems

in OCD5 years ago

A few days ago I wrote a post about a decision I needed to make in respect of one of my vehicles and, quite rightly so, a steem user namely the indomitable @abh12345, pointed out that it was a weighty first-world problem; I agree sir, very much so.

Anyway, sitting here at work today, twiddling my thumbs slaving away at my computer for the man, I thought about his comment and all those first-world problems [FWP's] I have in life; Yes, I have more than one.

I figured I'd share one with you and invite you to do the same in return. I might be able to shed some light on the matter, solve the issue, or you in return for me possibly...I think collectively we could solve all the FWP's in the world...We're that smart!

Don't worry, you don't have to be honest, just creative...Or be honest; That's if indeed, you'd like to share with us in the first place. You'll see my FWP submission below, inspired by my efforts on Christmas day...Ya ready?

FWP: Hot food touching my cold food.

See, I told you I had FWP's!

I don't like hot food, let's call it a steak for instance, resting on or touching my cold food like salad for example. A legit FWP if ever there was one. It drives me bonkers. I don't like warm salad made that way by way of heat transfer from something else on the plate. A warm chicken salad is passable though. Yeah I know, see my conundrum? This FWP is a complicated one.

On Christmas day I could be found manoeuvring my food around my plate with the goal of creating some separation between the hot components and the cold in an endeavour to eliminate this FWP from such a joyous day of eating and gift-giving. During my FWP-solving-efforts a comment was made, by my brother's wife, who thought it was funny, and I was a bit of an idiot...Of course, on both points she hit the nail on the head.

[Pictured above you can see my FWP in full effect at a café - Cold avocado touching hot potato rosti's...Further to that travesty, you may also note the cold sweet onion relish sitting beneath the poached eggs. Classic FWP!]

From there, on Christmas day, the flood gates opened and all sorts of scenarios were thrown my way like...What do I do when eating a burger - Hot burger is placed on the cold salad condiments...Or, what happens when I eat hot apple pie with ice cream...Yeah, that old FWP chestnut.

Of course I had legit responses to these challenges, most of which went something like..."Hmm, yeah... you fuck off now"... Or some such thing. [Not really of course.]

Anyway, they were all good questions posed to me in relation to this FWP, thanks for putting me on the spot family. Assholes 😂

Seriously though, I have many FWP's and I suspect many of you do also. I'd like to hear some, the more ridiculous the better I think. Oh, by the way, saying "having first world problems is your first world problem" isn't allowed; You have to get more creative than that!

So come on y'all roll out your first world problems [FWP's] and let uncle galenkp solve them for you...It could transform your life. Or possibly not.

Tomorrow isn't promised - Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default
An original post written by a human
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺


Having wait in a long line at the supermarket to buy food🙄

Posted using Partiko Android

I know right? We could use those asshole self-serve lanes...But nope, that's not my style...So I wait, just like you.

I have a solution for you though...It's a good one and will solve all your issues. Ya ready?

Push in.

First world problem solved! 😂

I do not condone pushing in really, but in the spirit of fun I think it's a legit solution.

I don't like using those self serve checkouts. 1 It reduces employment. 2 No discount for doing the work yourself.

Pushing in one would likely get a punch in the nose🤣.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well, I agree. I mean why would I want to work at Woolworths on a checkout processing my own stuff when I've got no chance of getting an invite to the Christmas party?! Lol.

Yeah, pushing in wouldn't be good...I have images of some little old grandma beating you with a handbag for pushing in on her.

🤣🙄 those mental images.

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha. 😁

Shop online. FWP solved. Some stores even have a drive through were someone as highly qualified as me will bring your shopping to your car. 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha...Yeah that could work although when it comes to picking my strawberries...Well, I don't trust anyone. In fact, I wouldn't trust someone picking any of my fresh produce to be honest. Also the other thing is that I have a phobia of cold foods being outside of the fridge for too long and if someone else was doing my grocery shopping I wouldn't have any control on how long my yoghurt was out of the fridge. More FWP's probably but there it is.

They don't deliver groceries to my area😡

Posted using Partiko Android

A soy latte with soy milk from Aldi instead of Bonsoy. Cheapskates.

OMG...That's a serious FWP and needs rectifying. Luckily uncle galenkp is on the job!

So...Here's the solution:

Drink cows milk...I mean have you ever seen anyone actually milk a soya bean? Or an almond for that matter.

Still, for vegans that's not an option so maybe my FWP-solving is defeated in this case. How dare they shop at Aldi!


Good one @riverflows. Me likey your sense of humour.

Haha... glad I made you laugh. As for cows milk, nothing against cows, but the taste makes me gag. Sorry mooks.

I usually mix coffee with mine, works for me.

Actually I don't drink much milk...Well, is consuming ice cream considered as drinking milk? Lol.

Breast milk ..... Nothing better

Haha, best comment ever. Who's breast though?

Geez, I not THAT fussy... 🙄 ....if she willing to share as a gentleman I should not decline

True...I can see you're a man of quality. :P


Some legit responses already mentioned in the post, I don’t think I need to elaborate 😁

I’m sat on the bus to work racking my brain for a fwp I have. Does running the water to reach hot or cold class as a fwp?

I’m not getting under a cold shower or drinking a glass of warm water, but it seems like a terrible waste watching it disappear down the plughole.

Well, as an expert on FWP's I'd have to say that yes, that lag time between turning on the tap and getting the desired temperature is for certain an FWP and needs to be fixed.

[Uncle galenkp to the rescue...]: Multi-task whilst waiting for the temperature. Boom, there it is! What could you do? Good question...Here's some suggestions: Reply to dumb posts like this, check the steem price, roll up the toothpaste tube to squeeze it all out efficiently, adjust your shoe laces so both ends are equal in
length...You know, all those important things. 😂

Thanks for playing along and glad I've been able to help with your FWP.

No problem and thanks for the tips. These are mostly related to wasted time and not wasted water, which is where I was thinking. I do have some toothpaste that needs rolling up though 😁

I come from a place where water isn't that prevalent so I get it...Was just messing around. I heard today that 2019 was Australia's driest and hottest year on record...So wasting water isn't something I like to do. Still, there's so many plastic bottles of it out there I don't know what the problem is. [This is a joke].

Mmm plastic. Pretty toasty down under at present, not good to hear at all.

Yes...Terrible here. All we could smell last night was smoke. Kangaroo Island is raging with many trapped in Kingscote. Of course, the NSW and VIC fires are still going and there's new ones in WA. It's not good...A lot could have been avoided by some back-burning however it has not been permitted in many areas for environmental reasons. And now...well, a glance at the news clearly shows how that pearl of wisdom worked out.

What about “indomitable,” can we get you to elaborate on that, please? :moves mic toward Asher:

Hmmm, I’m not sure what to say 😬 even after checking on the word meaning.

:Stutters and passes mic back:

wow. you actually take the bus??? thats not first world at all, get in the traffic jam with the rest of us

Yes, and in the past, a tram or bicycle.

Maybe I’ve say I wlll

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lol..I've never heard of this being a problem before sir galenkp! wonder your family thought it was funny. I never heard of hot potato rosti's before either, that's another great looking dish there though!

I agree with moersal's reply!

It's a problem for me, as started. Always has been. I guess just one of those idiosyncratic parts of my nature. I don't see the point of hot soggy lettuce. Those potato rostis were like has browns. Was a good breakfast.

Oh yes, I agree with that comment by moersal also. Never agreed with anything more fervently. 🤣

lol! your last sentence is hilarious! Did you ever watch the tv show Monk? lol.

I might have seen it once or twice but not all the way through. He was detective or something right?

Yes he was a brilliant detective but had quirks like dealing with his food so that reminded me of him. lol..He had to have his food not touching each other.

Haha! I'm Monk reincarnated!

Sangat enak keliatannya.

I don't know what that means, but I hope you are well and have a nice day.

I don't know what that
Means, but I hope you are well
And have a nice day.

                 - galenkp

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

don't like hot food, let's call it a steak for instance, resting on or touching my cold food like salad for example. A legit FWP if ever there was one. It drives me bonkers. I don't like warm salad made that way by way of heat transfer from something else on the plate.

Hahahahaha, this !!!! I seriously thought I was the only person having these issues.. My boyfriend always tells me I should not complain about it (to him that is of course) but I HATE HATE HATE it.. it's just right!

I love the term "First World Problems" need to write a post about that one day as well..

Have a nice day :)

Posted via | The City of Neoxian

Ah here we go...Another don't like hot food touching cold nutbag like me! Welcome to the club! We'll take over the world soon! Lol.

It's a real issue, quite clearly, and I obviously don't need to convince you of that fact. It would be cool if you do a FWP post...Tag me so I don't miss it though.

Haha, I really always thought that I was the weirdo though. I never met anyone that gets bananas over that. I just don't get it, it takes away the purpose of having cold and hot food. I will tag you when I write one :) lol

You're not a weirdo, I'm not a weirdo...They are! 😁

From now on, I will never forget that!

Haha...Also...Never let them forget that!

Sorry, I don't have a cool comic version of me so you'll have to imagine it. Here's a monkey instead. 🙉 Probably a good likeness for me anyway.

Haha just install the bitmoji extension my friend :)
You will get to create a cartoon you and throw around these emojis forever.. but a monkey will work as well!!!!

I'll have a look but a monkey suits me pretty well.

Hahaha ..... On my keyboard fwp is spelt ocd {grin} .....lekker article (lekker being South African colloquial for nice..... but nice is a rather insipid word don't you think?) ....

Lekker is better than nice. I'm adding that into my tool box of vocabulary! Thanks for your comment on my post...Was just having a bit of fun.

So, are you familiar with the sinch-type plastic pieces that are for tightening and loosening the straps on things like backpacks among other things? Have you ever, by accident, or on purpose, pulled the strap all the way through?

Fuck... A'... Round

They are a bitch to re-thread properly. I only do this once every few years, as I like to think that I have learned my lesson. Audie did it, this time. She then, with a cruel and mischievous smile, proceeded to abandon me with the task of fixing it.

Fuckkk... AAAA... Rouunnnndddd...

It takes me 20 friggin' minutes to figure it out every time. Alas, the next time, I will probably have forgotten how I did it AGAIN. Here's to hoping that I have grown more intelligent by then, or that my memory has improved. I have heard there are pills for this problem. I don't want to end up all, Flowers-for-Algernon, though, so I think I'll try to increase the quantity of my meditations, and hope that it gives me enough mental edge to take this problem on the next time this FWP rears it's butt-fucking ugly head.

P.S.: This was a fun read, cobber.

And so, out of the first world of the USA comes yet another FWP that uncle galenkp needs to solve.

Firstly, yes, it's a legit FWP and yes I am familiar with them.

So, the solution...A 5 year old. Yep, that's it. Those little bastards know everything these days and will be able to re-thread that fucking loop thing in about 13 seconds, whilst watching Dora the Explorer or some shit like that on TV. They will be able to tune the TV too by the way.

Head down to the local primary school with a bag of candy...Actually, DON'T do that for obvious reasons! But find some kid with deft fingers and you're done. Back pack fixed. Uncle galenkp strikes again. You're welcome.

Thanks for playing along cobber, was a bit of fun to write.

HAHAHAHAHA.. I'm not a very apt reader. It's not that I can't read well. It's more that I have read-one-paragraph-run-out-and-start-doing-shit-like-I-read-the-whole-thing, disorder.

I was already at the store picking through the candy aisle, when Audie stopped me. "Wait!" she cried out, " MUST finish reading! PLEASE! .. Oo-oo-oohhh!!! Loooook!!! A piece of candy!"

Haha! Well, we can all learn lessons in life...You almost learned one the hard way...In prison. :)

Well shit ... already been there!! Learned Spanish, Transcendental Meditation, Pinochle, among other things (not all of them were, how should I say, good, things). lol.

Reminds me of my prison days...Oh hang on, that was the time I watched Shawshank Redemption. My bad.

I can't imagine prison to be good. Hopefully I'll never find out but if someone was to harm Faith I'd slaughter them and would probably end up in prison.

My solution to all firstworldproblems is "ehh it's fine" or "could be worse" depending on what my mental state is at that point XD

Was snickering at some of the comments, in the unlikely event you're ever short on post ideas perhaps consider an Uncle Galen's firstworldproblems advice column XD

Haha...An uncle galenkp themed thing may just be on the way...That's why I introduced it here. 🙈 Could be some fun.

LoL! Yes it could very well be XD

I'm working up to something. :)

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