My Future Plans

in OCD5 years ago


Whenever I go to write an article, I always write about whatever is on my mind at that time. That usually revolves around gaming, technology, or crypto. As you may know, I've been saving up SP lately and within the next day or two, I'll have earned (and saved) over 200 SP. It's easy to get SP if you buy it, but it's a lot harder to earn it. I've been putting more effort into my articles lately and it's paying off. A huge shoutout goes to @TeamOCD for curating a lot of my posts here lately. It means the world to me and it's helped me out greatly.

Let's talk about my future plans both on this platform and my own personal life. Things are starting to look up for me because it seems like I might be getting a job soon. It won't be anything great and the pay and hours will be minimal, but at least it's a step in the right direction for me. It's not guaranteed yet, but I'm remaining hopeful.

One big thing that I'm going to do this year is investing money. I'm hoping that some of my Steem that I've been saving back in the form of SP, I can cash out at some point this year and diversify into some other small investments. One thing that's really been catching my eye lately is vintage Pokemon cards from like 1999. I've been looking up how much some of them are worth and I've been finding sellers on eBay selling them for like half of their value. I already have one Pokemon card that I scored an amazing price on, but I'm hoping to add to that collection. If a card is worth $60 and I can find it on eBay in that condition for $25-$30, it's a no-brainer. Over the years, they'll only become more and more scarce. I thought about doing the same thing with Yu-Gi-Oh cards, but people ask WAY too much for them usually. With Pokemon cards, it seems like I can get a good price on them though.... sometimes.

Another thing that I'm wanting to invest in this year after Pokemon cards is other cryptos. This is a bit more of a longer term goal, but I'd like to have a small diversified crypto portfolio even if I only have $50 invested in it. I want to spend money and make money. I'd spoken about how I thought this year was going to be an amazing one for cryptos and my opinions on that are just as strong as ever. With Bitcoin's halving coming in May, I'm hopeful that we should all do well this year.

I've even thought about selling my awesome budget gaming PC that you've seen in articles of mine in the past. I spent right at $185 for it, but I should be able to sell it for no less than $250. I could probably even sell it at $300. Then I could take that money, really look for deals again on parts, and build me a similar PC for less from smart shopping like I did before. Then, I'd have some money to play with to invest in the avenues that I've spoken about previously.

This year looks like it's going to be a great one for me. That's in large part thanks to you all. I want to work hard this year, save and invest money, and hopefully by the end of the year have bought and sold assets and be in a better financial place then I am now. I'm really really excited for what this year has to offer!


Do people still trade Pokemon cards these days?

@tipu curate

It seems like it. I got out of Pokemon when Gen 2 came out, but I'm still a bit nostalgic about Gen 1.

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