Awesome Youtube Easter Eggs That You Might Not Know About

in OCD5 years ago (edited)


Youtube is one of my favorite websites by far. It seems like I can get lost for hours at times in all the great videos that the platform's creators share on there. Easter eggs are also something that I enjoy. Easter eggs, for those that don't know, are random things thrown into (usually video games) that serve no true purpose but can often be entertaining. Many video games are known for their Easter eggs and even other websites. Today though, we're going to be talking about Easter eggs on Youtube. All of the Easter eggs on this list are currently working as of this writing. There's been many Easter eggs on the site that no longer work, but I won't be including them in this list.



This Easter egg is literally awesome. Just type the word "awesome" on your keyboard when watching a video (not in the comments or search bar) and the red bar on videos will flash random colors. To get it to stop, just type in awesome again!



Long ago, Youtube's view count on videos would often freeze at 301 views. While that doesn't exist anymore, Youtube decided to have a good laugh at the matter by freezing the view count of a particular video at 301 views permanently. The video in question is one that explains why Youtube used to do that. To check it out just look up "301 views" on Youtube.


Go here: I'll let you check out this humorous Easter egg for yourself.

Using Youtube on a PC without a mouse

This is more of an unknown feature than an Easter egg per say, but it's super helpful if didn't have a computer mouse for some reason. Just tap the tab key on the homepage and press enter when a now unhidden feature called "Skip Navigation" appears next to the Youtube logo in the top left of the screen. Pressing enter when it's highlighted will now let you select a Youtube video or channel to check out. Simply keep pressing the tab key and press enter when you've selected something you want to check out further.

Too Many Cooks

This was a bit of a viral video some time ago. Similar to the 301 views Easter egg, if you check out this video on Youtube, the color and font of the title is the same for it on Youtube as it actually is in the video. Pretty neat, huh?

There's been many many other Easter eggs on Youtube over the years, but sadly most of them don't work anymore, at least not on PC. Hopefully these Easter eggs made your day just a little bit better.

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