My Quarantine Challenge: The need to do what i have always craved for

in OCD4 years ago

I don't know if am on time or out of time but I got to know about this contest now and am writing this because I see the need to do that.

Before I begin, I need to thank @anomadsoul for this initiative and opportunity to help us checkmate our life and put things in order.

This should be the day four of this quarantine issue and am liking it because I first saw it as an impossible thing to do because I am not the stay home kind of person but nevertheless from the day one to this day I appreciate every day and try to make use of each day to the fullest.

This Covid 19 issue, started affecting this part of my state after the Government found out that five people has contacted it and we were asked to stay indoor for 14 days but what happens after then because it is indefinite and we are not sure if it we will be set free after the fourteen days. Because the pressure was too much, from the government to keep people indoor and from my Employer who saw no reason for me to be indoor, I lost my job. There and then I decided, okay if I have no job this period then I should make good us of my stay at home.

Little of what I want to do;

  • Reading of Books
  • Have time for myself, watch movies and sleep
  • Have enough time to do my steemit and hive post
  • Learn to schedule myself and put myself in order
  • Time to think
  • Learn any musical instrument of my choice

Of a true, I am not really a book person but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy reading. I enjoy reading and I read when I have the vibes to do that but since this period of quarantine and my loss of job, I decided to start reading this book have always craved for titled: THE SEEDS OF INNOVATION, written by ELAINE DUNDO.



Funny enough because of my nature of job, I really never used to have time for myself and family, no time to watch movies but I love movies and no time to sleep so this period I am going to sleep and watch movies and try to visit my friends around my axis. Time to sit with my family and discuss the way forward about my jobless state. But you know, I am not really jobless because steem blockchain has become my new job and am happy getting involve fully unlike before.


Okay, after I lost my phone, it really not been easy for me to do my post, most times I come back late from work and tired to go to my friends place who has a laptop to do my post. But not to worry, using this period as a time to save towards that. So I use this period as a time to have time for steem.



Well I am a kind of person that really do not know how to schedule myself and put myself in order. So this period I want to try as much as possible to time myself for the task a day and see how I can get the task done within that stipulated period of time. So that when this period is over and I can get a new job, it won't be a hard time getting use to the job timetable.


This period of my life is a time for me to sit and think what I want in my life and what I don't, what I would be doing with my time and life now and after this period because time wait for nobody.


Am a lover of good music and have love and crush for those who play instrument most especially the drum and keyboard. Well, it may really not be possible for those two since I don't know of anyone who will have that at home but then I started taking a liking to bass guitar aver since the day I saw a little boy in my church played that and funny enough, I know of someone who will love to teach me at his convenience without problem because he has it at home so one of the things I would love to do is learn how to play bass guitar.

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