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RE: Pandemic - A short story

in OCD5 years ago

Although a fictional story, it may be a very real one. Maybe not with the current virus, but could happen sometime in the future with a more dangerous virus coming our way. That said, the total chaotic situation you described seem to be worse than the situations when the plague and the Spanish flu whipped out large percentage of the total population. For some reason I'm not fearing too much the Corona virus, but more the chaos we are heading to when our financial systems fall down completely, when we loose fait in the US Dollar, the Euro and other hard currencies. People will not die from that; Looting and killing may start to take place on large scale. How to prepare for something like that? Guess we need to find ourselves a piece of land in some remote place. But then again, when the majority prepares like that, we will start fighting each other while preparing...maybe...who knows. I suppose we need to fight to change things in such a way we are all prepared, as a community, a society, across the globe.


Although a fictional story, it may be a very real one. Maybe not with the current virus, but could happen sometime in the future with a more dangerous virus coming our way.

I agree, and actively prepare to be more prepared. I've written about it a few times here.

The chaotic situation I described was merely for the story...No one is interested in, and every one sneezed a couple times, then lived happily ever after... in a fictional piece like this.

Although...One doesn't need to go too far back to find examples of out of control people. Google Cyclone Katrina and see what happened (I don't know how old you are so you may not recall it without Google.) There's many other examples...The Pol Pot regime in Cambodia, Idi Amin 1971-1979 in Uganda, Rodney King riots in LA 1992...

My point being one never knows what is around the corner, and how people will react. I mean, I've seen terrible rioting after a football team wins a game, people stabbed etc. I'm sure you've seen the same in times past. (The 1964 Estadio Nacional disaster where 328 people died and 1985 Birmingham City vs. Leeds Riot for instance)

Guess we need to find ourselves a piece of land in some remote place. But then again, when the majority prepares like that, we will start fighting each other while preparing...maybe...who knows.

I have my spots, and am fortunate to live in such a massive and low-populated country that I have many options. The other thing is that most people will never prepare properly; Most don't even think about it preferring to live in hope that the government, or someone other than themselves will provide the safety and care they need. So it's unlikely I'll even have to compete with others preparing.

I often ask people with children, what wouldn't you do to feed and protect the kids? The answer is always, I'd do anything and therein lies the issue...The would do anything. That's what turns people into animals, and starts strife. The problem is, that they could be doing a lot now...But choose not to, and to scoff and laugh at people like me who have a heightened level of preparedness.

I agree that we need to change the perception of reliance on others, and ignorance being the norm. But how? A blog here about me prepping and what elements are important? Awareness? People scoff and ridicule, label prepared people as nut-jobs...Then when they need help they turn to those same nut-jobs for it, people like me with skills and solutions...

It's a strange world mate.

Thanks for your great reply. Much appreciated.


I see myself to be in between; On one hand I believe humans are in essence good and have good will, even in times of shortage of anything; But I also know only a few (an absolute minority) is required to take whatever they want to take from the mass and create an environment of oppression. I live in one of the most dense populated countries of the world, with an apartment under sea level. Theoretical change that my front door will be under water is 1 in 1250 years which gives a low but considerable chance this will actually happen. Although I sometimes think I shall sell my place and move to some area above sea level, I'm only thinking about it, but far from making any real steps. I simply like the place I live, the city and all. I suppose, this happiness I feel, closes my eyes for the dangers. That said, the chance nothing will happen during my lifetime is much higher, therefore the possible danger never happens. When it happens, well, I try to think more like: I'll cross that bridge when it happens. Guess I'm like the mass in this. Ok, I do think about all of this, but still, not really preparing myself for many of the dangers that can fall upon us. Maybe I should change! :)

In my mind, not having some level of preparedness is the same as choosing to be a victim. Just my opinion.

I'm not talking about your house that may go under water in 1250 years...You'll be dead inside of 70-80 years anyway probably. I mean knowing first aid, knowing how to use a fire extinguisher and actually having one. I mean having a financial plan for the future, a health plan for healthy living now and in the future...A fire evacuation plan in the home, a seat belt cutter and glass breaking inside the car, having situational awareness etc. Those things are all about being prepared.

Or not...Just don't have any of those and embrace the victim mentality.

I choose the former and walk around with a high level of confidence that I can react quickly if required, and be proactive where possible. It's just how I am.

Or not...Just don't have any of those and embrace the victim mentality.

LOL, I'm not that unprepared. All those things you mention is standard for me; Simple things easy to arrange, low hanging fruit, I'll do for sure.

Many don't do the most basic of preparations. Still, that's their choice, being a victim of one's own ignorance seems to be a legitimate way to be these days.

Agree. Many are taking things for granted. Guess the way we are living is becoming too comfortable.

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