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RE: OCD's stance on cross-posting and news about empowering niche communities

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

good to see this being discussed and a new etiquette established..
i've been testing and checking out all the changes.. a lot to take in! On the crossposting topic, my feeling at this time is that (for me at least), it is more than OK to crosspost your own post once if its to put it in another community. The limit of posting to one community is an issue for me, because i think it causes all kinds of difficult choices and consequences.. namely, which community to post to, and.. that as a result the tendency will be to post to the bigger or most active communities..

so in the spirit of diversity and decentralisation, im all up for a bit of self crossposting... especially since we can then also know its there and engage in the commenting.,..also, as far as i can tell it is currently not even possible to post to a community using threespeak or dtube etc since they hold the choice for that first tag.. so if nothing else I would allow self crossposting from those sites...

i really do hope we see the ability to post to two or maybe three communities when we post, a bit like with tags.. I think that will remove any need to self crosspost.

as far as autovoters go,, i THINK it would not be too hard for the autovoter dev;'s to implement a DONT VOTE CROSS POSTS option.. but maybe that;s easy to say!?

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