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RE: Lay-offs, rentseekers and the willing rentors

in OCD4 years ago

I am hoping you don't get laid off, but yes, look how much faster the renos will get done. :)

I like that you give smallsteps that kind of guidance. The parent that never lets their child fail, always makes everything better isn't preparing them for life properly.

My father always taught his kids that no job was beneath them, it was all in your attitude. I think you have a healthy outlook and I certainly wish you well!

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The parent that never lets their child fail, always makes everything better isn't preparing them for life properly.

I know a lot of adults who grew up relatively softly, and they are struggling whenever they don't quite get their way.

I have worked since before I was legally able and have held a diverse set of crappy jobs. If I wanted something that cost money, I had to earn it.

Upped and Steemed


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