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RE: At what price is it worth it?

in OCD5 years ago

Investments are tricky things at best. Will I invest in them? Already have, but, bought when it was low and affordable. But, I can afford to lose the whole thing tomorrow and still carry on.

With something so volatile, it only makes sense to be able to walk away without it being the end of your world. If I only have a little to do that with, then that is all I will invest. Am I one of those people that only go with sure things. No, but, it cannot paralyze me if I lose it.

I see this as a long term investment and who knows? Right now, I am enjoying watching it inch up, ever so little, but, enough to make me have hope.

I have invested in houses and have had two built when the market crashed ( I bought after the crash.) Last year, when everything was significantly better, I sold three of the five. I don't mind investing, but, where it counts, I need to feel like I have solid ground.

Steem rocks it. Sometimes it's not all about the money, but, don't get me wrong. It sure feels good when someone drops a big vote on your post - you suddenly have sugarplums dancing in your head. It feels good.

Thanks for the words. As always.



But, I can afford to lose the whole thing tomorrow and still carry on.

This is what everyone needs to be able to do - accept that it can all be lost completely and you will still survive.

I need to feel like I have solid ground.

What I see as great *sine I can't afford to do the house thing for investment at the moment) is crypto is much like real estate due to the ownership of keys, but it also is highly mobile. :)

don't get me wrong. It sure feels good when someone drops a big vote on your post

Yes it does, and also a bit embarrassing! :D

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