One day Trips: London

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

“Here a thousand tongues are spoken, as in the Tower of Babel.”
(Jules Vallès)

Morning everybody!

Today we are dealing with London, the capital city of the UK.
I recommend this city, in fact, even though it’s still expensive, thanks to the fall in the price of the pound it’s becoming more and more affordable. Here are some infos about this capital city!

-There are two majors
-It has a population of 8.6 million inhabitants
-There are 14 professional football teams
-The most important museums are for free
-According to the 2011 population census, foreign people are 20% more than native-born

N.B. I have never visited London in just one day but since I’ve lived there for six months, I tried to plan a small itinerary.
London is huge, to fully appreciate it you would need at least 4 days. That’s why I will propose different kinds of itineraries.


  • Stansted
    Which I personally named “the most inhuman airport of Europe”. Endless queues, infinite waiting to get on board, yet Ryanair lands there so it’s likely you will end up there.
  • Gatwick
    EasyJet’s airport, very convenient since it’s close to the city center.
  • Luton
    It’s the furthest but it’s close to Hogwarts Castle, in case you are potterheads. 😉



There are many ways but I recommend one of these:

National Express (Bus)

  • Stansted 12£ (2h to Victoria Station)
  • Gatwick 8£ (1.20h to Victoria Station)
  • Luton 12£ (1.20 to Victoria Station)

National Rail Services (Train)

  • Stansted dai 15 ai 19£ (1.18h to Victoria Station)
  • Gatwick 10£ (1.20h to London Bridge)
  • Luton 18£ (1.18 to Victoria station) (prices can change)


Since time is never on our side, moving fast is a key factor.

The best way to move is the Tube, the famous London Tube opened in 1863 and composed of 11 lines which can take you anywhere (not counting the Underground). To use it you’ll need an OysterCard, a rechargeable card you can but in any station, leaving 5£ as a deposit that you’ll get back at the end of the trip. You can also use the OysterCard on buses.

There are other ways:
Cab, a good solution, although expensive. That’s why it’s not very recommendable.
Uber, A private service that allows cheaper rides.

-Single ride 1.50£ (bus)/2.20£/(tube)
-Daily bus pass 5£
-Daily tube pass 11.40£



Classic itinerary

  • Buckingham Palace
  • St. James Park
  • Westminister
  • National Gallery (Or the British Museum)

The classic itinerary will allow you to visit the main attractions of the capital. Starting from Buckingham Palace, the palace of the royal family. In case you’re thinking about going inside just know that you’ll only be able to do it in the summer season (July 22/October 1) starting from 23£.
Just a few meters from the royal palace you will see one of the most beautiful gardens of London: St. James Park. Ex royal garden, free to the public, you’ll find many cute animals hiding in the bushes and the lake, including squirrels.
5 minutes from St. James’ station you’ll find Westminster, seat of the English parliament. Beautiful churches are to be found in the area… and also the Big Ben!
Finally, is the tour was short enough, a visit to the National Gallery is a must. The National Gallery is one of the biggest and richer museums of the capital.



Alternative itinerary

  • Shoreditch
  • Camden
  • Brixton

This itinerary is basically meant for those who have already visited London, along with people who want to skip the great classics. These three districts are the heart of the alternative movements. In Shoreditch you’ll find many pubs and bars, peculiar shops and gorgeous street art. Camden is a huge street market in which you’ll see the maximum expression of London’s melting pot. The same happens in Brixton, typical for its criminal and popular history.

Shopping itinerary

  • Oxford Street/Reagent Street
  • Knightsbridge
  • Carnaby Street
  • Borough Market
  • Camden Town
  • PortoBello Road Market

This itinerary is meant for the fashion addicts. London is a shopping capital and home to many renowned malls: Harrods and Selfridges are a perfect example. Starting from Oxford Street and continuing on Reagent Street, you’ll be granted access to shops of the most famous brands in the world.
Borough Market, Camden Town and PortoBello Road Market are still a different and less globalized reality, more of a local attraction.


If you plan to stay more than one night I’ll suggest to check Hostelworld’s website about the 10th best hostel in London. My favorite is the Wombats city Hostel, the first I stayed in.
Thanks for reading, see you soon!


Italian version


I have been to London a long time ago and I would so much love to go again :)

It's really beautiful!

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